How is anorexia nervosa in children treated?

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Psychogenic anorexia is a common nutritional disorder in children, affecting mental and physical development. Find out the causes and some remedies for anorexia in children.

1. What is anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa, also known as anorexia nervosa, or anorexia nervosa for short, is a type of eating disorder. It is a form of self-starvation. Children and adolescents with this health problem often think about their bodies in a distorted way. They think that they are too overweight. Since then, they strictly limit their daily food intake and some other behaviors, leading to the inability to gain weight.
There are 2 types of anorexia nervosa:
Restrictive type: Children with restrictive anorexia are more common. Children often do not want to eat foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. Bulimic type (binging and purging): Children have bulimia, eat too much (insatiable) after eating and vomit again. Patients may also take large amounts of laxatives or other medications to clear the bowels.

2. Causes of anorexia nervosa in children

Currently, medicine still does not know the exact cause of anorexia nervosa. However, anorexia often begins as a regular fad and then slowly leads to extreme and unhealthy weight loss.
Several other factors can contribute to anorexia :
Social attitudes towards appearance, especially the stigma against overweight/obese people Influence of family perception of fat/thin Family An imbalance in brain chemistry Children with anorexia are more likely to have a family history of:
Weight problems Having a medical condition that leads to anorexia Other mental health problems (eg: Depression or substance abuse...) In addition, it has also been found that children with anorexia nervosa often live in other rigid family environments, often subject to criticism. Parents' behavior with their children is often at two opposite extremes: Less respect for children and excessive protection of children. Anorexic children can be dependent and emotionally immature children who prefer to separate themselves from others. They may have other mental health problems, such as anxiety disorders.

3. Symptoms of anorexia nervosa?

The symptoms of anorexia nervosa in each child can be different. The child may have the following signs:
Has a low body weight The child is afraid of becoming obese, even if he is losing weight Has a distorted view of his weight, size or shape. For example, children often find themselves overweight, even when very underweight. Not wanting to gain weight to maintain a minimally normal body weight In girls, 3 menstrual periods late for no hormonal or other cause can be found High physical activity for rapid weight loss Less feeling hungry, unwilling to participate in cooking, or exhibit strange eating behaviors Socially withdrawn, irritable, moody, or depressed Many of the physical manifestations associated with anorexia are often due to hunger and malnutrition, including:
Very dry skin (when pinched and released the skin remains inelastic) Dehydration Abdominal pain Constipation Constipation coma Dizziness Extreme fatigue Sensitivity to cold temperatures Unusually thin (weakening) ) Growth of fine hair on the body Jaundice The symptoms of anorexia in children mentioned above can resemble other health problems. Therefore, parents need to bring their children to see a doctor for an early diagnosis. Early diagnosis and treatment are important, which can prevent future problems and complications.

4. How to treat anorexia nervosa in children?

Treatment of anorexia nervosa will depend on the symptoms, age and general health of the child, as well as the severity of the illness.
Treatment often involves a combination of factors such as:
Individual psychotherapy Family support Providing information on the rules of physical development for children to gradually change behavior Nutritional rehabilitation with the right foods for your child Using antidepressants, if a child is depressed Anorexia is not simply a child's lack of food, but can become a serious health problem, malnutrition and lead to many consequences, even leading to death. During treatment and rehabilitation for children with anorexia nervosa, parents and families play an important role in any treatment. Only then, children can gradually return to normal life, psychological stability in the process of later development.
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