How does a newborn with a 2mm interventricular septum affect health and how is it treated?

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Hello doctor! May I ask, how does a newborn with a 2mm interventricular septum affect their health and how is it treated? Thank you doctor!
Nguyen Duc Thanh (1985)
Hello, the doctor would like to answer the question: "How does a newborn with a 2mm interventricular septum affect health and how is it treated?" As follows:
Ventricular septal defect is a common congenital heart defect. The indication for treatment when the pathology affects hemodynamics. With a 2mm hole, children without symptoms (difficulty breathing, slow weight gain....) can be monitored without early intervention. It is best to go to a congenital heart specialist for examination, evaluation and advice on the best ventricular septal defect
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Answered by Master, Doctor Tran Hong Nhat - Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiology Center, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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