Hoarseness due to paralysis of vocal cords

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Patients with vocal cord paralysis often have hoarseness symptoms accompanied by other manifestations such as wheezing, weak cough, unable to speak loudly,... Need to treat vocal cord paralysis soon to improve ability patient's ability to speak.

1. What is vocal cord paralysis?

The vocal cords are composed of 2 muscular folds located next to the entrance to the airway. When pronouncing, the 2 muscle folds will close, touch each other in the midline, vibrate and make a sound. At rest, the 2 vocal cords will be in a separate state and the person can breathe normally. The vocal cords are involved in the production of sound and protect the airways by preventing food, water or saliva from entering the trachea, preventing the risk of choking.
When there is paralysis of the vocal cords, the nerve impulses transmitted to the larynx are interrupted, leading to paralysis of the laryngeal muscles. Vocal cord paralysis can affect speech and even breathing. In most cases, only one vocal cord is paralyzed. Paralysis of both cords is rare and very serious, and can cause difficulty with speech, breathing, and swallowing.
Causes of vocal cord paralysis include: Injury to the vocal cords during surgery on the neck or upper chest; neck or chest trauma; stroke ; have a tumor growing around the muscles, ligaments, and nerves that control the larynx; infection (Lyme disease, infection with Epstein-Barr virus and Herpes,... causing inflammation, damage to the vocal cords),...

Liệt dây thanh quản ảnh hưởng tới khả năng phát âm và đường thở
Liệt dây thanh quản ảnh hưởng tới khả năng phát âm và đường thở

2. Hoarseness - common symptom in patients with vocal cord paralysis

Hoarseness is a condition in which the tone of the voice is changed, causing the patient to lose voice, short of breath, unable to speak, quickly tired or even lose his voice altogether. This is a common symptom after paralysis of the vocal cords.
In addition to hoarseness, patients with vocal cord paralysis also experience other symptoms such as wheezing, voice changes, inability to speak loudly, while speaking often have to stop to breathe, weak cough, no response vomiting, frequent throat clearing, choking or coughing when swallowing food, water,...

3. Treatment of vocal cord paralysis to control hoarseness

The treatment of vocal cord paralysis will depend on the cause, severity of symptoms, duration of symptoms,... The main treatment methods are: Speech therapy, vocal injections management, surgery, or a combination of the above. Details of the methods are as follows:
Speech therapy: Includes exercises or activities to strengthen the vocal cords, to help improve breath control when speaking, and to protect the airway when swallowing. This method helps the patient talk properly while waiting for the nerves to heal. Sometimes, patients with vocal cord paralysis only need speech therapy, not needing other methods; Surgery: Apply when the paralysis of the vocal cords does not completely heal on its own. Surgery improves the patient's ability to speak and swallow. Surgical options include laryngotracheal injection (injection of body fat, collagen into the larynx), surgical removal of the tumor (if the cause is a tumor), translaryngectomy, translaryngectomy. extra-laryngeal line (fixing the funnel cartilage or removing the funnel cartilage, fixing the vocal cords).

Phẫu thuật là một phương pháp giúp điều trị liệt dây thanh quản
Phẫu thuật là một phương pháp giúp điều trị liệt dây thanh quản

In addition, some cases of acupuncture treatment combined with vocal exercises can cure hoarseness and loss of voice due to paralysis of the vocal cords.
Paralysis of the vocal cords not only causes hoarseness, but can also cause breathing problems, be life-threatening, or cause food and water to move into the patient's airway, causing choking, leading to inflammation. severe lung. Therefore, when treating the disease, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions to improve treatment effectiveness and reduce the risk of complete loss of voice.
Vinmec International General Hospital examines and treats common ear, nose and throat diseases, head and neck tumors, congenital malformations of the ear, nose and throat area with the most optimal internal and surgical methods for patients, both children and adults. Coming to Vinmec International General Hospital, patients will receive a direct, dedicated and professional examination from a team of qualified and experienced medical staff.
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