High blood pressure that affects the heart with acid reflux can take any medicine?

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Hello doctor,
My father is over 60 years old, he has high blood pressure, affects the heart, he takes many drugs that affect the kidneys. Currently, I have both gastric reflux and edema of the legs when standing for a long time, so I feel tired, lie a lot and sleep a lot. The doctor asked me what medicine can I take with high blood pressure, which affects the heart with acid reflux? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
With the question “What drugs can be taken with high blood pressure that affects the heart with acid reflux? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Causes of high blood pressure: Up to 90-95% of essential hypertension is called primary hypertension and is defined as high blood pressure that causes A secondary cause is clearly not identified. The rest is secondary hypertension when there are obvious causes (heart, kidney,...).
Hypertension due to renal vascular disease, although it accounts for only 2-3% of people with hypertension, is also one of the most common causes of secondary hypertension. Most hypertension due to renal vascular disease is directly related to renal hypoperfusion, a consequence of renal artery stenosis, or one of their branches, etc. Or adrenocortical hypertension, changes in aldosterone secretion or Cushing's syndrome, Conn's syndrome,... In addition, there are changes in the humoral nervous system due to inappropriate activation of the antidiuretic hormone system, causing dysfunction. sodium diuresis due to hypertension and leading to chronic hypertension.
High blood pressure that affects the heart and kidneys is commonly heart failure, kidney failure, requires treatment with drugs that have little effect on heart and kidney function, even protect the kidneys, reduce progression to chronic kidney disease and prevent heart failure. Combinations of ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers should be used in all patients with heart failure, if tolerated, and diuretics reduce blood pressure in volume overloaded patients. The use of ACE inhibitors or receptor blockers also has a protective effect on the kidneys, especially in the presence of albuminuria. To get a definitive diagnosis and diagnose the severity of the disease as well as the appropriate prescription, you need to take your father to a cardiologist.
Gastroesophageal reflux syndrome should be treated and monitored with a gastroenterologist. Comorbidities make the patient feel more tired. Uncle also has leg edema when standing for a long time, often due to heart failure, kidney failure or lower extremity venous insufficiency. The patient needs a Cardiology examination to clarify the diagnosis.
When taking care of patients, it is necessary to pay attention to a bland diet, to limit excess salt and water intake, and to exercise moderately.
If you still have questions about high blood pressure that affects the heart and gastroesophageal reflux, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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Answered by Master, Doctor Dao Kim Phuong - Cardiologist and Echocardiographer - Department of Examination, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
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