Heartburn, stomach pain during pregnancy: Things to keep in mind

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Pregnant women face physiological and endocrine changes. In which, the symptoms of gastro-duodenal disease: heartburn, nausea, dry vomiting, stomach pain, flatulence ... cause many discomforts for pregnant women.

1. Causes of stomach pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women have morning sickness or due to anxiety, excessive stress is also one of the main causes of stomach pain in pregnant women developing worse.
Stomach pain during pregnancy is very unhealthy for both mother and baby. Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, the state of morning sickness progresses due to changes in pregnancy hormones, the stomach will be very painful because the pregnant woman vomits a lot and continuously, sometimes even vomiting water.
When the symptoms of morning sickness subside, it is also the time when the uterus enlarges, causing the position of the stomach in the abdomen to change (push up), the food entering the stomach will be stagnate at this time, causing the condition. indigestion, heartburn, which seriously affects the lining of the stomach and esophagus.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về dấu hiệu mang thai sớm?

Các dấu hiệu mang thai sớm không phải chỉ mỗi trễ kinh mà còn có rất nhiều dấu hiệu khác như xuất huyết âm đạo, ngực căng tức,… Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu dấu hiệu mang thai sớm thông qua bài trắc nghiệm này nhé!

2. Pregnant women with stomach pain, how to improve?

2.1 Managing morning sickness

About 70% of pregnant women experience morning sickness, which usually occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. Usually by the end of the 4th month, these symptoms have almost completely disappeared or are greatly reduced. To relieve uncomfortable symptoms during morning sickness, pregnant women can:
Divide meals into many small meals instead of eating 3 main meals (about every 2 hours). Avoid smelly, fried, and greasy foods that will make morning sickness worse. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, and keep these foods with you to eat whenever possible during the day.

Tránh những thực phẩm có mùi, thực phẩm chiên nướng, dầu mỡ sẽ làm cho tình trạng ốm nghén tệ hơn
Tránh những thực phẩm có mùi, thực phẩm chiên nướng, dầu mỡ sẽ làm cho tình trạng ốm nghén tệ hơn

Add ginger, lemon to daily meals. You can eat whole grain bread or cereal in the morning. Eat less sugar and less salt.

2.2 Manage heartburn

Heartburn can happen at any time during pregnancy, but is more common in the last months. This is also a common phenomenon, in about 30-35% of pregnant women. Pregnant women can follow some ways to relieve heartburn during pregnancy:
Avoid eating foods that cause heartburn such as: chocolate, greasy food, spicy food, alcohol, coffee, mint. .. Especially avoid eating at bedtime because the food has not been fully digested, so when lying down, stomach acid will back up into the esophagus, causing discomfort. Drinking milk or dairy products (yogurt, cheese) can relieve heartburn because milk contains calcium and some minerals that help neutralize stomach acid. Eat slowly, chew well. Divide your meals into several small meals and don't eat much before going to bed. Lie on your left side or raise your pillow while sleeping. Note, it is necessary to consult a doctor when pregnant women use antacids because some drugs can reduce iron absorption when taken together.

2.3 Reduce fatigue and stress

Pregnant women need to get enough sleep (make sure at least 8 hours/day, take a 30-minute nap), sleep on time, avoid staying up late. Spend a lot of time relaxing, reading, watching TV, listening to music...

3. Pregnant women with stomach pain need to be careful when taking the drug

3.1 Absolutely do not arbitrarily use pain relievers

Dùng thuốc trong thời kỳ mang thai theo chỉ dẫn bác sĩ
Dùng thuốc trong thời kỳ mang thai theo chỉ dẫn bác sĩ

This is the advice of health experts when it comes to taking pain relievers for pregnant women with stomach problems. Because most drugs have a little effect on the health of the mother and fetus. Drugs can be absorbed from the mother's blood through the placenta, into the bloodstream and harm the fetus.
The first trimester of pregnancy is an important period in the formation of organs (heart, central nervous system, hands, feet...), the indiscriminate use of certain drugs by pregnant women during this period. can easily cause birth defects and birth defects. The second trimester of pregnancy is a period when the fetus is less sensitive to drugs, but there are still organs of the fetus that continue to differentiate such as: the nervous system and the external genital system, so the drug can still cause harm. damage to these parts. The last three months of pregnancy is the period when all parts of the fetus are fully formed but not yet completed such as: the liver has not yet performed its metabolic function, the kidney has not yet completed the elimination function... Therefore, the drug is still can affect the fetus and also the mother during childbirth.

3.2 Some notes when using drugs for pregnant women

Experts advise that: during pregnancy and lactation, it is best to stay healthy so that you do not have to use drugs. If it is necessary to take medicine during this period, pregnant women should not arbitrarily, need to get the consent of the doctor and take the medicine according to the instructions. Especially drugs for the treatment of the following stomach-related diseases:
Antiemetic Domperidone: Pregnant women should not arbitrarily use antiemetic domperidone. Although, Domperidone does not cause fetal malformations, but can cause ventricular tachycardia, which is life-threatening to pregnant women. If the mother vomits a lot, an antihistamine can be used. Antacids, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): Clinically, when monitoring the use of antacids in pregnant women, there are still no signs of teratogenicity and deformity due to the drug's action. Therefore, this group of drugs can be used for pregnant women if absolutely necessary. According to experts, it is best for pregnant women to use some natural herbs, which have the effect of clearing heat, reducing acid secretion in the stomach, helping to improve pain and heal ulcers in the stomach. mucosal wall. Therefore, when unusual symptoms appear during pregnancy, you should be examined and consulted with a specialist.

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