Fruit is good for people with dengue fever

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Ngoc - General Internal Medicine - Endocrinology - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital. Doctor has more than 10 years of studying, researching and working in the field of endocrinology.

Dengue fever is a dangerous disease, caused by the Dengue virus. This disease is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. When having dengue fever, the patient needs rest, care and good nutrition. A scientific diet will help the patient's body recover faster. So what fruit should you eat when you have dengue fever and how should you eat it?

1. Principles of nutrition for people with dengue fever

The most important thing is rehydration:
Dengue fever patients often have a high fever with dehydration, so they need adequate rehydration. You can rehydrate by drinking electrolyte water or fruit juice (coconut water, orange juice, grapefruit juice). These fruit juices contain many minerals and vitamin C, which help increase the strength of the vessel walls, helping the disease heal faster.
Eat liquid and soft foods:
Patients should eat soft and liquid foods such as soup, porridge, actively supplement with protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, milk; rich in zinc such as beef, chicken to increase resistance. If the patient is tired, anorexia, can add more milk, both ensuring nutrients and easy absorption.
Người bệnh bị sốt xuất huyết nên ăn những thức ăn mềm và lỏng

Abstain from greasy foods:
Absolutely abstain from greasy, fried foods because these foods often cause indigestion.

2. Dengue fever patients should eat what fruit?

Below is a list of fruits that are very good for dengue patients. Adding these fruits to the daily menu will help patients recover quickly.
Papaya is rich in vitamins, fiber, zinc and folate so it is very good for health. Adding papaya to the daily menu for people with dengue fever will help increase platelets, white blood cells, prevent blood clotting and heal wounds.
Drinking papaya juice daily will help prevent platelets from falling, promote health for patients
Kiwi is a fruit rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K and zinc. Kiwi also contains a lot of fiber and antioxidants. Adding kiwi to the daily menu by eating it directly or drinking kiwi juice also has the effect of increasing platelets, improving the immune system for patients.
Pomegranate is rich in polyphenolic flavonoids, which have anti-microbial effects. The method is very simple, just drinking a cup of pomegranate juice with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice will help strengthen the immune system for the patient, helping the platelet count to increase significantly.

Trong quả lựu rất giàu flavonoid polyphenoli rất tốt cho bệnh nhân bị sốt xuất huyết
Trong quả lựu rất giàu flavonoid polyphenoli rất tốt cho bệnh nhân bị sốt xuất huyết
Among the fruits rich in vitamin C, it is impossible not to mention guava. Vitamin C is essential for the production of platelets and for strengthening the body's immune system. If the guava is too hard, make guava juice, which is not only delicious but also good for the health of the patient.
Melon is a fruit with a lot of water, has a very good rehydration and mineralization effect for the body.
When you have dengue fever, you will often have a high fever and dehydration. Orange is one of the fruits that are rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of rehydrating, fighting fatigue and increasing the body's resistance.
Just add a cup of orange juice to the daily menu, the patient's immune system will be significantly increased.
To support the recovery process, it is essential to add the above fruits to the patient's daily meal. A scientific diet combined with reasonable medication will help patients overcome this disease. If there is a serious change in the course of the disease, it is best to be hospitalized for monitoring.

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