Frequent shortness of breath, chest heaviness is dangerous?

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Hello doctor. I often have difficulty breathing, heavy chest. Did the doctor say this is dangerous? Looking forward to receiving your doctor's advice, thank you.
Dang Thi Hong Anh
Hello Doctor! I am 29 years old, working in an office. I have symptoms of chest heaviness, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the middle of my chest that has lasted for several years. But there are periods when it goes away, then it comes back, and it doesn't affect work and health much. However, there is often a feeling of fatigue and loss of concentration, quickly exhausted when doing heavy work. I sleep on time and eat well. Please consult your doctor for the above symptoms. Thank you doctor!
Anonymous question
Symptoms of chest tightness, shortness of breath are common in Cardiovascular, respiratory diseases or can also be seen in other systemic diseases. However, coronary artery disease is very common and can be life-threatening.
When examining a patient, doctors base themselves on the examination and exploitation of factors such as age, gender, acquired diseases, diet, family factors... as well as the specific properties of the attack. pain, difficulty breathing. Finally, the doctor will do some tests to accurately diagnose the disease.
Her case often has symptoms of shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest, but she has not disclosed her age (Coronary artery disease is common in older people), physical condition, as well as the characteristics of such symptoms It is very difficult to give an exact answer.
You should go to a cardiologist for a full consultation.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
BSCK II Nguyen Quoc Viet - Interventional Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
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