Flexible endoscopy for early gastrointestinal cancer treatment

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Digestive cancer is a group of diseases related to the disorganized division of cells, capable of invading other tissues by growing directly into adjacent tissues of the digestive system or moving to other places. distant (metastatic). Flexible endoscopy in early detection and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer helps to improve the patient's condition as well as minimize dangerous complications, maintaining the patient's life.

1. Common types of digestive cancer

Esophageal cancer: is cancer found in a muscular tube structure connecting the pharynx to the stomach in the digestive system. Mucosal and submucosal tumors of the esophagus are mucosal tumors that often have no typical symptoms and are discovered incidentally after endoscopy.
Stomach cancer: is divided into many different development stages with distinct signs as follows:
Stage 0: At this time, the tumor can only be found in the lining of the stomach wall, and called the carcinoma stage. Stage 1: The tumor has invaded into the 2nd layer of the stomach wall called a gastric submucosal tumor, the cancer cells have spread into different lymph nodes (less than 6 nodes) or it may be invasive. Both the 2nd and 3rd grades are the muscular layer and the lower mucosal layer of the stomach but have not spread to lymph nodes or other organs. Stage 2: The tumor has invaded only the submucosa and the cells have spread to 7-15 lymph nodes, or the tumor has invaded the outer layer of the stomach but the cancer cells have not spread to the lymph nodes lymph and other organs. Stage 3: The tumor has invaded the submucosa and muscle layers, the cells have spread to 7-15 lymph nodes, or the tumor has invaded nearby organs such as the liver, colon, and spleen. spread to distant parts. Stage 4: Cancer has spread to more than 15 lymph nodes or has invaded distant organs.

Hình ảnh nội soi ung thự dạ dày
Hình ảnh nội soi ung thự dạ dày

Colon cancer: It is the 4th leading cause of death in the world and belongs to the top 5 cancer group in Vietnam, with an increasing trend. Most colon cancer patients come to medical facilities at a late stage, showing the importance of diagnosing and treating cancer in the early stages of the digestive system.

2. Flexible endoscopic method for early stage digestive cancer treatment

According to the recommendation of the Japan Society of Endoscopy, screening and colonoscopy will help reduce the mortality rate of cancer at this site, especially when using colonoscopy to remove polyps can reduce up to 80% chance of colorectal cancer.
For colorectal cancer, endoscopy with flexible tube is the most valuable diagnostic method, because in addition to helping to observe the lesion, it is also possible to take a biopsy for cytological testing. Besides, endoscopy to diagnose cancer is also very necessary, especially for high-risk patients.
Currently, the latest generation endoscope system can help give sharp images, clearly showing even the smallest damage. The machine also has the function of light staining and magnification up to 100 times to help clearly analyze the structure and microvessels of the lesion, thereby giving accurate judgments about the cytological properties of the lesion as well as the analysis. Distinguish cancerous and non-cancerous lesions to provide timely intervention for patients

Phương pháp nội soi ống mềm tại Bệnh viện Vinmec
Phương pháp nội soi ống mềm tại Bệnh viện Vinmec

Choosing a reputable medical facility with gastroenterologists as well as modern equipment is something that patients are very interested in. Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital currently applies the flexible endoscopic method in the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer, performed by Dr. Do Minh Hung - Head of General Surgery. Dr. Hung has 25 years of experience in general surgery and especially in gastroenterology, has valuable research works such as endoscopic technique of D2 lymph node dissection for gastric cancer treatment, endoscopy. Colectomy to remove the whole mesentery (CME)...
For detailed advice on early gastrointestinal cancer treatment techniques at Vinmec Central Park, please contact HOTLINE 0283 6221 166 or book online HERE.
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