FAQ: Learn about bad and good cholesterol in the body

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Hello doctor. Please ask the doctor, how should I understand about bad and good cholesterol? Thank you doctor for helping me.
Minh Hang (1987)
Hello. You can understand bad and good cholesterol as follows:
Cholesterol is metabolized in the liver by lipoproteins. There are 2 types of lipoproteins
LDL Cholesterol is bad cholesterol: Sticks to artery walls, making arteries stiff and complications HDL Cholesterol is Good cholesterol: Helps plaque in artery walls, metabolized to the liver to be excreted. Need treatment :
Increase HDL Cholesterol Reduce LDL Cholesterol Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns with Vinmec Health System. Wishing you good health always.
Answered by Associate Professor, Doctor, Specialist II Chu Hoang Van - Department of Examination - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
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