Factors that determine blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

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Blood alcohol concentration is defined as the percentage of alcohol (ethyl alcohol or ethanol) in a person's blood stream. A 0.05% BAC means there are 0.05 grams of alcohol in 100 ml of blood.

1. Factors determining blood alcohol concentration

The more alcohol you drink, the higher the blood alcohol concentration (English is Blood Alcohol Concentration and BAC for short), however, two people drinking the same amount of alcohol may have different BAC levels. This is because many factors affect this index such as:
Body size A smaller person will have a higher BAC concentration than a larger person when the two people have the same goal. consuming the same amount of alcohol, which is due to the fact that alcohol concentration is higher in people with a lower body mass index.
An empty stomach A person with an empty stomach when drinking alcohol will reach higher and faster BAC levels than someone who has eaten before drinking, because food in the stomach slows down the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream. However, eating before drinking does not prevent alcohol poisoning.

Dạ dày trống gây ảnh hưởng yếu tố xác định nồng độ cồn trong máu
Dạ dày trống gây ảnh hưởng yếu tố xác định nồng độ cồn trong máu

Proportion of Adipose Tissue Alcohol is not absorbed into adipose tissue, so people with a large percentage of body fat have higher and faster BAC levels than those with a lower percentage of adipose tissue.
Gender Women's bodies are usually smaller than men's and have a higher percentage of fat tissue than lean muscle, so women will absorb alcohol faster than men's bodies. This means that women who drink the same amount of alcohol as men have a faster rise in BAC levels than men.
Infrequent drinking Because light drinkers are less likely to drink than regular drinkers and therefore their BAC levels are likely to rise more rapidly than heavy drinkers than.

Người uống ít rượu bia
Người uống ít rượu bia

2. How much will you be penalized for drinking?

According to the Law on Prevention and Control of Harms of Alcohol and Beer (Law No. 44/2019/QH14) and Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP have just been issued, from January 1, 2020, Vietnam will completely prohibit the act of operating means of transport (including cars, motorbikes, electric bicycles...) when there is alcohol concentration in the breath or blood. Specifically, according to the Law on Alcohol Concentration 2020, the alcohol concentration level and the alcohol concentration penalty are as follows:
Factors that determine blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

3. Some guidelines for safe driving

If you intend to drive, the safest option is not to drink. If you intend to drink alcohol, keep track of how much alcohol you drink based on how many standard drinks you consume per hour. To drive safely, you need to keep your blood alcohol content (BAC) below 0.05.
Limit your intake
Start drinking non-alcoholic beverages and repeat non-alcoholic beverages after two to three alcoholic drinks. Do not overfill the glass. Drink low-alcohol drinks and avoid mixed drinks, like cocktails, because it's difficult to know how much alcohol they contain. Avoid drinking while excited or screaming so in such a situation you won't be able to control how much you drink. Sip beverages and avoid salty snacks or foods that increase thirst.

Người uống cần hạn chế lượng uống
Người uống cần hạn chế lượng uống

Wait until your BAC levels are low before driving
Be aware that BAC levels can continue to rise up to 3 hours after you've had your last drink. Therefore, the only way to eliminate alcohol from the body is to give it time for the body to process. Bathing, drinking coffee, or fresh air will not lower BAC levels. Before driving, you should wait at least an hour for each standard amount of drink you've had.
Should have a backup plan
If you expect to drink a lot, before drinking ask someone else who can drive you home when you don't have to drive home.
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Reference article source: alcohol.stanford.edu
How is alcohol poisoning treated? How to calculate blood alcohol concentration How is it called heavy drinking?
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