Eyelid surgery: What you need to know

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi Bich Nhi - Ophthalmologist, General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.

In order to create a double eyelid with aesthetic beauty, the doctor often surgically cuts excess eyelid skin to remove excess fat and skin on the upper and lower eyelids to make your eyes youthful and flexible. , natural skin tightening and firming.

1. What is the phenomenon of excess eyelid skin?

Excess eyelid skin, also known as eyelid skin laxity, is a case where the eyelid skin is excessively sagging due to long-term fat accumulation or aging due to the environment, age makes the eyelid skin no longer elastic, so the upper eyelid often flabby, wrinkled, excess skin, causing the eyes to collapse, unsightly, affecting vision and vision of the eyes.

2. How is eyelid surgery done?

In order to create a double eyelid with aesthetic beauty, the doctor often surgically cuts excess eyelid skin to remove excess fat and skin on the upper and lower eyelids to make your eyes youthful and flexible. , natural skin tightening and firming. The results of surgery will be best after 6 months to a year.

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However, this result is not permanent as the eyelid skin can sag with time and age. Patients can go to the hospital for the same surgical intervention for the next time.
Steps to take:
Step 1: The patient cleans the eyes before surgery. Step 2: The doctor will mark the skin cutting position right at the patient's existing eyelid crease. Measure and mark the amount of excess eyelash skin. Step 3: Local anesthetic by subcutaneous injection. Step 4: Incision the entire upper lash length according to the mark. Step 5: Separate the skin of the eyelashes and pull the edge of the skin down. Cut off excess skin. Can combine to cut excess fat. Step 6: Sew the skin with vicryl 6.0 thread.

3. Who should cut excess eyelid skin?

You have monolids, lined eyelids (eyelid lines are too low), shallow eyelids, thick eyelids with a lot of skin, muscle and fat. Excess fatty skin obscures the natural eyelid crease. Eyelids have a lot of excess skin and wrinkles. The eyelids have a lot of excess skin and a lot of fat bags.

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Mi mắt có nhiều da thừa và bọng mỡ nên tiến hành phẫu thuật

4. Things to pay attention to after surgery

Keep the head elevated for the first few days and apply it with water-soaked gauze. cold to reduce swelling and bruising (from the 3rd day can apply warm). Avoid the sun, wear sunglasses or use sunscreen. Avoid overworking your eyes, watching TV, reading or smoking. Do not wear eye makeup for the first 2 weeks after thread trimming. Periodic follow-up after surgery one month, six months, one year to monitor complications if any. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consulting services. and comprehensive, professional medical treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.
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