Endoscopic surgery to remove brain tumor

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Surgery to remove brain tumors mainly uses microsurgery glasses, however, microsurgery glasses are difficult to observe and evaluate the tumor and surrounding healthy structures in hidden corners, so it will damage healthy tissues. Therefore, endoscopic brain tumor removal in these cases will help the surgeon control and cut the brain tumor better.

1. What is a brain tumor?

A brain tumor is a condition in which masses of tissue in the brain are created by abnormally fast growth of cells. Brain tumors can be either benign or malignant.
Causes of brain tumors:
Brain tumors are caused by brain tumors that originate in the brain (primary brain tumors) or they can be caused by tumors from other places that have spread to the brain (secondary brain tumors). Age: As you get older, you have a higher risk of developing a brain tumor. This disease mainly occurs in the elderly; Radiation exposure: If you have been exposed to radiation from atomic bomb explosions or cancer radiation therapy, your risk of brain tumors is increased; Family history of brain tumors: If your family has a brain tumor or a genetic condition, your risk of brain tumor is increased, but still very low.

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Common signs of brain tumor include:
Severe and frequent headaches: Headache is the first sign of a brain tumor. Patients often feel severe headaches, especially in the morning. The pain is increasing gradually. Nausea or vomiting: Due to increased cranial pressure, patients may experience nausea or vomiting, especially after waking up, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, lack of energy. Blurred vision, hearing loss: When the brain tumor has grown, the tumor affects the patient's vision and hearing, making it difficult for the patient to hear and blurred vision. Seizures, especially in people with no previous history of seizures: Seizures are warning signs of brain tumors caused by tumors affecting part of the cerebral cortex. In addition, some other signs such as: Loss of balance, lethargy, memory loss, decreased ability to speak, changes in personality or behavior, paralysis of a part of the body. The most common treatment for brain tumors is surgical removal of the brain tumor. The purpose of surgery is to completely remove the tumor and take a surgical specimen to confirm the tumor's nature.

2. Endoscopic surgery to remove brain tumor

2.1. What is endoscopic surgery to remove brain tumors? Surgery to remove brain tumors mainly uses microsurgery glasses, however, microsurgery glasses are difficult to observe and evaluate the tumor, and surrounding healthy structures in obscure areas will damage healthy tissues. Therefore, endoscopic brain tumor removal in these cases will help the surgeon control and cut the brain tumor better.

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Mổ u não bằng phương pháp nội soi giúp kiểm soát quá trình phẫu thuật tốt hơn

2.2. Indications and contraindications for endoscopic support for brain tumor removal Endoscopic brain tumor removal method can be used in many types of tumors, in many different locations such as: Tumor of the pituitary gland (pituitary tumor, craniopharyngioma) , meningioma, germ cell tumor, cyst); Rathke, epidermoid tumor, cutaneous tumor, chordoma II; Tumors of the cerebellar pons (e.g., choriomas VIII, meningiomas, dermoid tumors, epidermoid tumors, cysts, brain stem tumors, neuromas VII, IX, X, XI, XII); Tumor in the occipital foramen; Basal tumor of the temporal region; Tumor in the ventricles. Supportive endoscopic surgery to cut brain tumors is contraindicated in the following cases: Brain tumors that cannot be used endoscopically if there is no space, such as intraparenchymal tumors located deep in the brain parenchyma, metastatic tumors brain, large brain tumor, extensive brain edema.
2.3. Steps to conduct endoscopic surgery to help remove brain tumors Step 1: Prepare microsurgical instruments, microsurgery glasses, endoscopes, light sources, cameras, optical cables, endoscopic instruments, and arrange system positions endoscope, monitor. Step 2: Sanitation, prophylactic antibiotics; Anesthesia examination and resuscitation for patients. Step 3: Cut skin, expose skull, drill and open skull Step 4: Open dura with support of microsurgery glasses. Aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid, opening of soft membranes. Use endoscopy to assess surrounding brain structures, tumors, blood vessels, and nerves. Aspiration of more cerebrospinal fluid will help open up room for the endoscope and surgical instruments. Step 5: Using microsurgery glasses and endoscope to help control surrounding structures, tumors, blood vessels. Endoscopes used include 0, 30, 45 and 70 degree tubes. When using endoscopic, tumor cutting is mainly using suction machine, ultrasound knife. After excision of the tumor, the bleeding was carefully stopped with the help of microsurgery and endoscope. Step 6: Close the dura, fix the skull cap and close the skin. 2.4. Monitoring after endoscopic surgery to support brain tumor removal After surgery: monitoring breathing, circulation, consciousness, paralysis, pupils, paralysis of cranial nerves, sensory disturbances. In case of bleeding from the incision, it is necessary to change the dressing, pressure bandage, and suture the wound. Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely rest in peace. examination and treatment center at the Hospital.
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