Endoscopic curettage of VA with plasma knife in children

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Tran Van Trong - Specialist in Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery - Aesthetics - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Danang International Hospital.
VA is a common disease in young children, especially during the first 6 years of life. The disease can be completely cured by medical treatment, but in some cases, VA persists and recurs many times, seriously affecting the health of children, and it is necessary to remove it for definitive treatment. So, cure VA by plasma method still recur or not?

1. What is VA?

VA (Végétations Adenoids) is a part of the lymphatic system called the Waldayer, which has the function of protecting the respiratory tract. But once the VA is inflamed, this part will become a place for pathogenic bacteria, also known as nasopharyngeal warts, affecting the health of the child. In addition, for children with respiratory infections, the likelihood of recurrence and complications is very high. There are two types of VA: chronic VA and acute VA.
After the patient has VA and other complications, the doctor will recommend that the patient perform a curettage, because then the VA will become larger than normal and cause nasal congestion. , or stop breathing while sleeping.

VA là một bộ phận của hệ bạch huyết có chức năng bảo vệ đường hô hấp
VA là một bộ phận của hệ bạch huyết có chức năng bảo vệ đường hô hấp

2. VA curettage using the Plasma method

Vasectomy by plasma method is being evaluated by experts as an effective method in the treatment of VA today because of the following characteristics:
Vasectomy with plasma is a method of using energy from high-frequency radio waves to Removes the entire VA and tonsils, so the destruction of the inflamed tissue is easy without causing burns or damage to the surrounding tissues, so the bacteria are completely eliminated. The ease of performing operations such as cutting, burning and hemostasis during curettage is an advantage of this method because it avoids cases of heavy bleeding or pain after surgery in patients. . From the above characteristics, the patient's recovery time is relatively short and can be discharged after 24 hours of postoperative follow-up. Especially after the surgery, the patient can still eat normally. However, the patient should not eat solid foods. Plasma is a cutter with a camera attached so doctors can easily observe and manipulate it while performing

3. Why cure VA?

If a child has VA without prompt treatment, it can cause the following consequences:
Obstruction of breathing: Inflamed VA will become larger than normal, obstructing the breathing process and dangerous. than to stop breathing suddenly while sleeping.

Trẻ bị viêm VA gây cản trở trong quá trình trẻ thở
Trẻ bị viêm VA gây cản trở trong quá trình trẻ thở
Impedes intellectual and physical development: If the inflammatory process of VA occurs on a regular basis, it will interfere with the transport of oxygen to the brain and slow down the brain development of the child. In addition, it also affects the development of a child's sense of smell and taste. Causes of ear infections: VA is one of the causes of stethoscope blockage and ear infections in children. If VA is not treated promptly, there is a risk of frequent recurrence and a home for bacteria. From there, they will attack other parts of the body and cause diseases of the heart, kidneys, bronchi, etc.

4. Matters needing attention when using plasma method in curettage

Despite being consulted and recommended by doctors, some patients' families are concerned that VA curettage and tonsillectomy will affect the immune system's production mechanism in children. In fact, there are many other organs involved in the immune system, after tonsillectomy, VA curettage these organs will work stronger to compensate for the deficiency, moreover in the specific circumstances as above, VA, tonsils no longer play an immune role, but even become a potential source of infection of the body.
Currently, the price of VA curettage by plasma method is relatively high and there are many different prices. Pricing for VA curettage depends on factors such as medical condition, the more severe the patient's disease, the higher the treatment cost; Depends on the technology applied to the treatment; Compatibility of the treatment device with the patient; The type of scalpel used during surgery and the number of times it is used are also one of the reasons for the increased cost of VA curettage. Therefore, patients should choose reputable, affordable addresses with economic conditions to cure VA by plasma method.
Dr. Trong has over 10 years of experience in Pediatric Surgery and Plastic Surgery - Aesthetic, and soon became one of the leading doctors in the field of Children's Surgery, especially Laparoscopic Surgery. and Plastic Surgery - Aesthetic.
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