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Articles in VA

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Chronic tonsillitis should be removed?
Hello doctor, I am 15 years old, born in 2004. When I was a child, I had symptoms such as shortness of breath, sleep apnea, breathing through the mouth. I have been examined at places near my home, 3 times at Bach Mai hospital, Hanoi, but the results of all 3 visits are different, the time between the 2nd and 3rd visits is a few weeks.
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Should 31-month-old children have their tonsils removed?
Hello doctor, my baby has tonsillitis once every fortnight, the baby is 31 months old, went to the doctor and advised to remove the tonsils, I want to ask if it should be removed? Is there any pain after cutting?
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Is the child wheezing after VA curettage?
Hello, the baby after VA treatment will often appear wheezing and have bad breath. The reason is that after removing the VA tissue, it will cause inflammation in the nasal mucosa: Increased secretions + pseudomembranous detachment in the mucosal tissue after surgery.
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Is it okay if the child has a continuous fever while being treated for VA?
I have a 10 month old baby at home, now he has a fever, I took him to the doctor and he said he has VA and the doctor gave him antibiotics to drink, I gave him a drink today. It's been 2 days and the baby still has a fever, sometimes it still has a fever above 38 degrees and the average is 37.5 degrees, what should I do with this baby's condition?
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Endoscopic curettage of VA with plasma knife in children
VA là một bệnh thường gặp ở trẻ nhỏ, đặc biệt là trong giai đoạn 6 năm đầu đời. Bệnh có thể được chữa khỏi hoàn toàn bằng nội khoa, tuy nhiên ở một số trường hợp VA kéo dài, tái phát nhiều lần gây ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến sức khỏe của trẻ cần thiết phải cắt bỏ để điều trị dứt điểm. Vậy nạo VA bằng phương pháp plasma có còn tái phát hay không?
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Tonsillitis causing an abscess around the tonsils
A tonsil abscess is a purulent inflammatory condition that occurs in the loose connective tissue located around the tonsils, between the tonsils and the side wall of the throat. Abscesses around the tonsils are common in older children and adults. There are many causes of tonsillitis, of which the most common is the resulting tonsillitis.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics