Effective ways to fight drunkenness

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The article was professionally consulted with Doctor Vo Ha Bang Suong - General Internal Medicine - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
When attending parties, gatherings of friends, it is difficult to avoid drinking alcohol. So how to limit drunkenness, affecting health and party atmosphere? Please "pocket" the effective ways to fight alcoholism below.

To limit drunkenness and the effects of alcohol on the body, before joining the party, you should immediately apply the following anti-drunk tips:

1. Prevent drunkenness before drinking with food

Alcohol is absorbed in the stomach 20% and 80% in the small intestine. Having food in the stomach will slow down the absorption of alcohol. In addition, having food in the stomach will reduce the irritation of the stomach lining when drinking alcohol will avoid hangover, discomfort.
One of the secrets to preventing drunkenness is that before drinking, you should eat some foods such as:
Fatty foods: Eating fatty foods before drinking alcohol will help absorb the alcohol that you drink. will be absorbed into the body. The amount of fat will wrap around the wall of the stomach (stomach), helping the digestive organs absorb alcohol slowly. Toast: Eating a few slices of toast before drinking alcohol will help you stave off the hangover. The carbon in the bread will now act as a filter in the body, helping to absorb alcohol. Eating foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants before drinking alcohol is also one of the effective ways to fight hangover. In summary, some foods that should be eaten before drinking to reduce hangover symptoms are: Chicken, cheese, eggs, cereals, almonds, broccoli; fruits such as oranges, lemons, avocados, watermelons, grapefruits, pears,...

2. Tips to prevent drunkenness before drinking with milk

Drinking a glass of hot milk before starting a drink will help slow down the body's absorption of alcohol. Because milk will help create a protective layer for the lining of the stomach and intestines, thereby reducing the ability to absorb alcohol and this helps the digestive system "deal" with alcohol more effectively.

3. How to prevent drunkenness while drinking

Drink slowly: Sip The body usually takes 1h to process a certain amount of a standard drink. If you drink alcohol quickly or drink too much, your body does not have the time it needs to do this, leading to a build-up of alcohol in your blood and you will quickly get drunk. Sipping your drink slowly so you don't have more than one drink per hour is an effective way to combat hangovers. The trick is don't order another drink or let someone refill your glass until it's empty. Having ice in your glass will also slow you down (and drink less water). Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages: If you plan on drinking, alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is a great way to limit your alcohol intake and keep you from getting drunk. Drink more filtered water: The simplest way to prevent drunkenness is to drink alcohol with water. Drinking a glass of filtered water in between drinks will help dilute the blood alcohol concentration and reduce toxins from alcohol infiltrating the body. Choose a drink with a low alcohol content: If the drink has a high alcohol content, the intoxication will come faster. Therefore, to limit drunkenness, you should choose drinks with a light alcohol content. Avoid mixed cocktails that contain caffeine: These sweet drinks will make the body more dehydrated and also increase the feeling of nausea, dizziness, making you more likely to get drunk faster. Do not mix alcohol, beer with soft drinks or carbonated drinks: Soft drinks and carbonated drinks contain air bubbles, which will promote the absorption of alcohol into the blood faster. This will make you more likely to get drunk and get drunk faster. Change the shape of your drinking glasses Some studies have shown that the shape of the glass you use at a wine party can affect how much alcohol you drink. Alcohol from straight glasses slows drunkenness 60% more than curved glasses. From another study, people (including professional bartenders) accidentally poured 20 to 30% more wine into short, wide glasses than tall, slender glasses. So if you're trying not to get drunk, you might want to ask for your drink in a tall, narrow glass if possible. Talking while drinking: A simple way to prevent drunkenness that many of you often overlook is to just focus on drinking without communicating or talking to each other. Therefore, to get drunk longer, you should talk more and communicate more with your party friends.

4. How to prevent drunkenness after drinking with Sodium succinate

The use of alcohol is not recommended. In some cases, you have been drinking alcohol in large amounts, you can use alcohol tablets. But do not abuse alcohol because it is not possible to completely eliminate the amount of alcohol you have drunk and prevent the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. When you drink a lot of alcohol, you can still get drunk even if you take alcohol pills.
Currently on the market there are many types called "alcohol tablets", but you should choose the type that contains sodium succinate. This is an ingredient that works to reduce hangovers by accelerating the breakdown of acetaldehyde into acetic acid. Then, acetic acid enters the Krebs cycle, producing energy, providing the cell with energy. In addition, sodium succinate also works to activate cells in the liver and participate in metabolism. So sodium succinate not only helps increase alcohol intake, but also quickly reduces symptoms of dizziness, headaches, is an effective way to reduce fatigue after drinking alcohol. The wine also includes components of vitamins of groups B, C and herbs that support the liver such as prickly pear, bitter eucalyptus. However, there is still limited information on the optimal effectiveness of alcohol detox tablets. It is best to limit your alcohol consumption to a minimum.
Alcohol use affects your own health and in some situations affects others because you cannot control your behavior when drunk. Therefore, you should know how to control yourself, avoid unnecessary drinking parties.
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