Eat lettuce to lose weight?

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Lettuce is very fresh with a lot of fiber and vitamins, this is also a vegetable often used to design diets to help lose weight. There are many reasons that eating lettuce is extremely good for people who are looking to lose weight. Let's find out what are the benefits of eating lettuce through the article below.

1. Low Calorie Content

A 100g serving of lettuce contains only about 15 calories, which means that the digestion of lettuce burns more calories than the calories contained in the vegetables. Lettuce also promotes the burning of excess body fat to help you own a neat and slim body quickly.

2. Does not contain cholesterol or fat

Like most vegetables, salad greens do not contain cholesterol, saturated and unsaturated fats. In fact, eating lettuce also has the effect of filling the stomach, making people not feel hungry. So eating lettuce daily is an effective weight loss method that helps those who lose weight can quickly regain their desired shape without being tortured by hunger.

Ăn rau xà lách hàng ngày là một phương pháp giảm cân hữu hiệu
Ăn rau xà lách hàng ngày là một phương pháp giảm cân hữu hiệu

3. High water content

Lettuce contains 96% water by weight (about 90g water/100g lettuce). The amount of water in lettuce is similar to the water content of cucumbers. This is what makes it easier to eat lettuce than some other vegetables.

4. Regulate blood sugar

In lettuce contains Lactuca Xanthine, a type of carotenoid (beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A) has the effect of preventing cancer, balancing the increase or decrease of blood sugar. Therefore, salads are an excellent addition to the diabetic diet. In addition, eating lettuce also helps control cravings and hunger effectively by regulating blood sugar levels.

Xà lách là nguồn dinh dưỡng tuyệt vời trong chế độ ăn kiêng của bệnh nhân tiểu đường
Xà lách là nguồn dinh dưỡng tuyệt vời trong chế độ ăn kiêng của bệnh nhân tiểu đường

5. Mineral, Protein and Vitamin Supplement

The presence of vitamins A, B, C, E, protein, iron, potassium, magnesium...makes lettuce a great immune-boosting food for the body. It is estimated that 100g of lettuce provides up to 247% of the need for vitamin A (helps maintain muscle activity, supports vision) and 4,443 μg beta-carotene (prevents cancer, balances blood sugar). In addition, lettuce also contains copper and iron, which are essential in the production of red blood cells, so it is also very good for people with anemia.

6. Prevent some dangerous diseases

Adding lettuce to the daily diet, in addition to helping to lose weight, also works to prevent osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia, cardiovascular diseases, retinal degeneration (ARMD), Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

Thêm rau xà lách vào chế độ ăn hàng ngày giúp phòng tránh một số bệnh nguy hiểm
Thêm rau xà lách vào chế độ ăn hàng ngày giúp phòng tránh một số bệnh nguy hiểm

7. How to eat lettuce to lose weight

Lettuce adds freshness, heat and a lot of nutrition to salads, rolls and sandwiches...Add it to your weight loss or daily diet according to your diet. different ways such as eating directly, eating rare or cooked... to make the meal more delicious and attractive.
In addition, when shopping to choose salad vegetables, give preference to those with darker colors because that means higher nutritional content.
In the process of losing weight of women, nutrition is a decisive factor and plays a very important role. Everyone should take advantage of fruits and vegetables to prepare weight loss salads that are both beautiful and beautiful for the skin and bring delicious meals.
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