Drinks instead of coffee

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Coffee is a very familiar beverage, very popular with everyone, favored by many people and used often. However, there are some people who want to gradually give up coffee, why is that, and what drink can be replaced?

1. Why do some people want to give up coffee gradually?

For most people, caffeine is safe and not harmful, at least when a person consumes the amount of caffeine found in no more than four cups of coffee a day. However, getting too much caffeine into the body can cause anxiety, disrupt sleep or increase heart rate.

2. Decaffeinated coffee (decaf)

If you are someone who wants to reduce their caffeine intake but still want to enjoy the taste of coffee, decaffeinated coffee is an appropriate choice. There are many methods for decaffeinating coffee, some manufacturers may use chemicals or gases (such as carbon dioxide) to remove it, or they may use water decaffeination. The Swiss Water Method.
To be called decaffeinated coffee, at least 97% of the caffeine in the beans must be removed. For that reason, compared to the amount of caffeine (about 100 mg) in a regular cup of coffee, each cup of decaffeinated coffee has only 3 to 12 mg of caffeine.

Cà phê khử caffeine (decaf) là sự lựa chọn số một cho người dùng
Cà phê khử caffeine (decaf) là sự lựa chọn số một cho người dùng

3. Green tea

If you intend to eliminate caffeine from your daily diet, it is best to do it gradually. If cutting suddenly can make the body tired, weak, the mind is not clear, easily excited, and may appear severe headache.
Green tea is an ideal drink to replace coffee. In addition to beneficial antioxidants, green tea also contains 1⁄4 of the caffeine content of coffee.

4. Golden milk turmeric tea

Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that offers many benefits for heart health, eases joint pain and reduces skin irritation during cancer treatment.
The way to make turmeric milk tea is very simple, prepare a jar of warm almond milk or coconut milk, add turmeric and stir well, then close the lid and shake until the drink is frothy. Pour the drink into the cup, add a little nutmeg before serving. To suit your taste, you can optionally add honey or sugar, but taste the original taste first, because most likely the drink is already good enough.

Trà sữa nghệ vàng có nhiều lợi ích đối với sức khỏe con người
Trà sữa nghệ vàng có nhiều lợi ích đối với sức khỏe con người

5. Apple cider vinegar

Take a lid full of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water or a cup of hot tea, add lemon, honey or even cinnamon (if you like), and enjoy. Do not use too much apple cider vinegar, because the acid in it can be harmful to teeth. Apple cider vinegar can have a little effect on stabilizing blood sugar, and after using apple cider vinegar, the body will feel healthier, so it is less likely to fall into overeating.

6. Maca powder

Maca is a tuberous root that grows in the mountains of the Andes in Peru. Maca powder can be added to smoothies or hot chocolate. There is some evidence to suggest that maca powder can make people feel better, and alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause in women, such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, and anxiety. , depression and irregular heartbeat .

Bột maca giúp người sử dụng cảm thấy khỏe hơn cũng như đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe
Bột maca giúp người sử dụng cảm thấy khỏe hơn cũng như đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe

7. Lemonade

Lemonade can be enjoyed with ice or hot, and like other fruit juices, lemon juice is high in vitamin C and antioxidant compounds (such as flavonoids). Some studies show that drinking lemon water daily helps control high blood pressure.

8. Carob powder

Carob powder is made from the pods of the carob tree, and it is used to add to smoothies or hot chocolate. In addition, carob powder can be mixed with hot milk, soy milk or almond milk to create a different flavor. Carob powder is rich in fiber, which is beneficial for digestion and helps to stabilize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

9. Bone broth

Bone broth can be made from different animals, the most common are cows, chickens, pigs or sheep. Bone broth is rich in protein, with each cup containing 6 to 12 grams of protein. Some evidence shows that chicken bone broth helps clear the nose better than other hot drinks when it comes to stuffiness, and it also has a slight effect on reducing inflammation.

Nước hầm xương là thức uống giàu protein
Nước hầm xương là thức uống giàu protein

10. Kombucha tea

To make Kombucha tea, it is necessary to mix the yeast of the shiitake mushroom and sugar into the tea and let it ferment, bubble, create vinegar and B vitamins. The end result is a low-calorie drink. sugar with a refreshing aroma.
Kombucha tea's health benefits need more research to confirm, but its taste is worth enjoying. Kombucha tea can be made at home, but you need to be very careful, because if done wrong, harmful bacteria will breed and affect the user.

11. Rosehip tea

Rosehip tea is made from parts of several plants of the Rosaceae family, containing a lot of vitamin C and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds (such as phenolics, carotenoids). Rosehip tea seems to help with joint pain and weight control, but more studies are needed to confirm these effects.

12. Fresh milk

Fresh milk is a familiar nutritious drink. Raw milk contains many B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, B6 and B12. Drinking fresh milk daily keeps the body full of energy, but if you want to limit calories and fat intake, choose low-fat or skim milk.

Sữa tươi ít béo là thức uống có thể thay thế cafe với nhiều dưỡng chất có lợi cho sức khỏe
Sữa tươi ít béo là thức uống có thể thay thế cafe với nhiều dưỡng chất có lợi cho sức khỏe

13. Coconut water

Coconut water is a familiar natural drink, low in sugar and caffeine free. Coconut water has another great effect, which is to replenish the electrolytes that the body loses when sweating. Use fresh coconut water, but if you buy canned coconut water and want to control your calorie intake, check the label to see if the manufacturer has added sugar.
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Translated articles refer to the source: webmd.com, healthline.com
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