Does teeth whitening damage enamel?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Dang Tien Dat - Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.

White, shiny teeth and perfect oral health are essential requirements of many people. Teeth whitening is a method to help teeth shine again, so does teeth whitening damage enamel?

1. What are the causes of tooth discoloration?

Before learning whether teeth whitening can damage tooth enamel, we need to understand the main reasons why tooth enamel is discolored.
Causes of staining on tooth surface:
Use of colored foods and drinks: Chocolate, tea, coffee, soft drinks, wine, curry... Tobacco: Smoking for a long time makes chemicals The substance adheres to the thin film on the teeth, causing the teeth to become discolored. Poor oral hygiene: Improper brushing of teeth causes bacteria to grow, causing dental diseases and discolored teeth. Mouthwash: Long-term use of mouthwash containing Chlorhexidine, Hexetidine makes teeth stained. Causes of teeth staining deep inside:
Age: Advanced age causes tooth enamel to wear down, combined with foods containing color, making the condition of stained teeth worse. Genetics: The thinner the enamel layer, the more visible the yellow dentin inside and the thickness of this enamel layer depends on genetics.

Di truyền ảnh hưởng đến độ dày và khả năng bám màu của lớp men răng
Di truyền ảnh hưởng đến độ dày và khả năng bám màu của lớp men răng

Use of Tetracycline antibiotics: The active ingredients in Tetracycline antibiotics diffuse into the newly formed calcified tissue, causing the salts of the color element to penetrate the dentin, causing the teeth to become stained. Excess fluoride: Using high-fluoridated water, overdosing on fluoride toothpaste or taking oral fluoride supplements can cause discoloration of teeth.

2. What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a method of using oxidizing agents (including Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide) to penetrate the enamel layer in combination with light energy to create an oxidation reaction that cuts the chains of color molecules in the dentin. whiter teeth without damaging the tooth surface, enamel or any other components in the tooth.

3. Teeth whitening method

Teeth whitening by wearing a tray containing bleach The doctor will examine and take the size of the teeth to make a tray that fits each patient's teeth. The material of the eraser is transparent plastic, safe, does not affect the gums below. The job of the tray is to keep the bleach on the tooth surface, and at the same time prevent saliva from entering, affecting the whitening process.

Tẩy trắng răng bằng màng có thể tự thực hiện tại nhà
Tẩy trắng răng bằng màng có thể tự thực hiện tại nhà

A skilled dentist is the one who decides and provides the appropriate whitening medication for each person as well as instructions on how to use, how to monitor as well as possible complications.
Wearing teeth whitening trays can be done at home, helping patients take the initiative in time (wearing from 2 to 3 hours a day), low cost. The disadvantage is that the effectiveness is not high in all cases, only applied to mild cases of color contamination such as: Foreign color contamination due to external influences or teeth stained due to age.

Laser teeth whitening This is the most modern way to whiten teeth today. Using laser energy to trigger the reaction, cut the color bonds in enamel, dentin. Helps whiten teeth without changing enamel and dentin structure, without causing sensitivity. Does not harm tooth enamel, does not affect gums and gums.
The implementation time is only about 1 hour. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires a highly skilled doctor. If not easily lead to irritation of the lips, gums or increased sensitivity.

4. Does teeth whitening damage enamel?

Scientifically proven teeth whitening does not affect tooth structure if done properly. According to the British Dental Association (BDA) has proven teeth whitening technologies are safe for oral health, do not harm enamel, do not change tooth structure if done correctly.
You need to go to reputable dental clinics with genuine whitening agents, high-tech laser lights to ensure safety and optimal results. In any case, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions, do not arbitrarily use bleach of unknown origin that can affect tooth enamel and gums.

Tẩy trắng răng an toàn không làm ảnh hưởng đến cấu trúc của răng
Tẩy trắng răng an toàn không làm ảnh hưởng đến cấu trúc của răng

5. Cases in which teeth should not be bleached

Teeth whitening methods are not suitable for everyone. With the following subjects should consider not to whiten teeth:
Pregnant and lactating women: Teeth whitening can affect the health of children later. Children under 16: Teeth whitening can irritate the pulp, making teeth more sensitive. Having periodontitis, tooth decay, worn neck teeth, open neck teeth. People with a history or signs of allergy to bleach.

6. Notes when whitening teeth

Bleach only works with real teeth, not with porcelain teeth. Before whitening teeth, it is necessary to remove tartar, brush off colored plaque, restore worn collars, and treat sensitivity if teeth are too sensitive. After 1-2 weeks of bleaching, you should abstain from colored foods and drinks, avoid drinking too hot or cold water, take good care of your teeth to help limit re-coloring. Choose a reputable dental clinic. Specializing in Dentistry - jaw - face, Vinmec hospital is equipped with KAVO dental chair system (Germany), camera at the tooth chair, panorama machine of Gendex, X-ray machine of in-situ socket, Phosphorus film scanner of Gendex, Dently ultrasound machine, Radii Plus Australia teeth whitening forging, endodontic machine, root canal length meter.... help maximize the examination and implementation of all dental and maxillofacial techniques.
In addition, Vinmec gathers a team of experts, leading doctors with high qualifications, experience, dedication and devotion to the health of patients.
Master, Doctor Dang Tien Dat graduated with a master's degree in Odonto-Stomatology from Hanoi Medical University. Dr. Dat has strengths in: performing wisdom tooth extraction procedures, root canal treatment, tartar removal, gentle tooth filling, minimal trauma, helping patients to minimize pain; Design and make beautiful porcelain teeth. Currently, dentist Dat is working at the Department of Odonto-Stomatology, Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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