Does taking collagen cause acne?

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Collagen is a protein that brings many benefits to the body. Especially in the beauty problem of women, collagen plays a huge role in keeping the skin smooth and elastic. Therefore, collagen is always chosen by many people with dietary supplements. However, many people still wonder if taking collagen will cause acne?

1. What is collagen?

Collagen is actually a protein in the fibrous form of the connective tissue of mammals. In the human body, collagen makes up more than 25% of the total protein of the body, and they also make up 75% of the structure of the skin, 90% of the epidermis.
Collagen has the role of connecting tissues in the body together, thereby helping wounds heal faster. In addition, they are also a support layer below the skin's surface, helping to keep the skin healthy and shiny. However, when women enter the aging stage, the skin will quickly melt, appear many wrinkles, age spots, melasma and freckles. Therefore, many women have chosen to supplement with collagen to make the skin smooth, bright and pink again, slowing down the aging process of the body.
MORE: Is it good to drink collagen regularly?

2. Does drinking collagen cause acne?

Does drinking collagen cause acne? This is a question that many women have been wondering for a long time. As we all know, collagen plays a very important role in the body. Supplementing collagen with functional foods is now increasingly popular. However, there are many cases when taking collagen to have acne or hot flashes. The nature of acne breakouts depends on many other factors. Therefore, if taking collagen has acne, it is necessary to find out why.

Uống collagen có bị nổi mụn không là câu hỏi nhiều chị em thắc mắc
Uống collagen có bị nổi mụn không là câu hỏi nhiều chị em thắc mắc

3. Why does taking collagen cause acne?

There are many causes of acne, often the wrong usage of women, including:
Using collagen excessively, causing excess collagen and unable to dig Waste: Using anything too much is not good, the same goes for collagen. According to many studies, our body can only absorb up to 5000mg of collagen per day. So if, you supplement the amount of collagen beyond the above threshold, the body will have a hot reaction, pimples will appear. Because collagen is still a form of protein, it still needs time to separate and absorb gradually, excess collagen that the body cannot eliminate in time will lead to acne. Choosing the type of collagen is not suitable for the body: currently there are about 29 types of collagen, of which there are 6 basic types, type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Type 1 and 3 exist most in the body. skin and tendons. Types 2, 4, and 5 are found in bones, cartilage, and muscles. Type 6 is present mainly in the cell membrane. How to choose the right type of collagen for the body is also very important. Oral collagen is usually available in liquid, capsule, and powder form. So, if you choose the type of collagen and collagen supplements that are not suitable for your body, it will cause acne when used. Due to a sensitive digestive system: Only a small percentage of people consuming collagen are sensitive to it. Due to other components in collagen, some types of collagen will provide amino acids that are good for the digestive system. In contrast, there are types of collagen derived from marine fish that can cause allergies, hives, and rashes in people with sensitive digestive systems. Many cases, using collagen for a long time, also have stomach problems and acne. Therefore, when starting to take collagen, you should take it in low doses to check the response of the digestive system. SEE ALSO: Instructions to drink collagen properly

4. How to overcome the phenomenon of drinking collagen with acne

If drinking collagen causes acne, apply the following ways to minimize the above situation:

4.1. Adjust the dose of collagen

According to many scientific studies, with 1000 - 2000mg of collagen is the most suitable dose for the body to absorb, helping to promote the effects of collagen. In particular, to be good for bones, hair, nails and skin in your 30s, you need to take at least 3000mg of collagen per day, but should not exceed 5000mg per day.

Ăn nhiều rau xanh, hoa quả tươi giúp giảm thiểu hiện tượng uống collagen bị nổi mụn
Ăn nhiều rau xanh, hoa quả tươi giúp giảm thiểu hiện tượng uống collagen bị nổi mụn

4.2. Follow a healthy diet and exercise

Maintaining a reasonable diet and scientific activities will help the body be healthier, thereby helping to minimize the phenomenon of drinking collagen with acne. Therefore, you need to:
Eat lots of green vegetables and fresh fruits to supplement vitamins and minerals for a healthy body. Drinking plenty of water and regularly helps to purify and detoxify the digestive system and skin. Limit eating spicy, hot foods, foods containing a lot of starch, sugar... Enhance healthy fats from foods, nuts, beans. Exercise at least 30 minutes/day. Practice the habit of going to bed early, sleeping on time and getting enough sleep. Limit makeup to avoid clogging pores, remove makeup for the skin, gently clean the skin to avoid acne and damage to the skin. Wear sunscreen when going outside. Add foods containing natural collagen to your daily diet such as salmon, soybeans. Increase foods rich in vitamin C to help stimulate collagen production in the body such as oranges, lemons, blueberries, tomatoes... The addition of collagen in combination with a healthy, scientific lifestyle will help reverse signs of skin aging such as sagging, crow's feet, wrinkled skin.

4.3. Choose the type of collagen suitable for the location, prevent acne

On the market today, there are many different types of collagen. Therefore, when choosing collagen, it is necessary to pay attention to the origin, content and ingredients included. Currently, collagen is popular in 3 forms, in which water collagen is considered the most effective. Because this type of collagen, when absorbed into the body, it is easier to penetrate, strengthen the collagen structure network of the skin. As for collagen in pill and powder form, when absorbed by the body, it still takes time to break down and dissolve, so the effect is not high.
In general, taking collagen with acne is a condition many people may encounter when using. However, this situation can be easily overcome if you know how to do it. Women also need to be careful when using collagen to avoid other side effects. In particular, collagen should not be abused excessively, but should be used appropriately, avoiding waste and promoting its effective use.
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