What should be noted after an early miscarriage before the next pregnancy?

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Hello doctor, doctor let me ask: I am about 2 weeks late for my period, I have back pain, dull abdominal pain, chest pain. I took the pregnancy test up to 2 lines, then I went to the doctor and the doctor said I didn't see the pregnancy in the uterus but the thick lining could be ready for implantation. About 2 days, I had a little brown blood and the next day it was more. I went to the hospital, the ultrasound still did not see the pregnancy in the uterus and the blood test, the doctor concluded that I was pregnant, but bleeding, there is a risk of early miscarriage and I have an appointment to follow up 4 days later to take the test again. When I came back, the blood was still bleeding a little bit and lasted for about 5 days. After the day I went to the doctor, I found that normal people don't have any stomach or back pain. I didn't feel pregnant and I took a pregnancy test and it showed 1 line, so I was so sad I didn't go to the doctor again, after that I felt normal.
So firstly: tell me if I had an early miscarriage, and what is the cause? Because I'm very careful about eating and drinking because my wife and I are expecting a baby.
Second: let me ask you later if you have such a miscarriage, what to do, what to check so that the next pregnancy does not have an early miscarriage.
3: Please tell me how long it will take for me to get my period again. Because it's been 4 weeks since I started bleeding and I still haven't had my period.
4: How long should you abstain from sexual relations and how long can you get pregnant again? I need to supplement and prepare for the next pregnancy to be safest.
Hope the doctor will reply soon because I am very sad and worried. I would like to thank the doctor!!!
Pham Thi Luong (1992)
Hi, according to your description, there is a high possibility that you will have an early miscarriage. This is pregnancy on biochemical test (beta HCG) but no pregnancy on ultrasound.
There are many causes of early miscarriage: abnormal pregnancy, hormonal deficiency... However, some other causes (ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, stillbirth threatened...) . Therefore, I should go back to check with ultrasound and test beta HCG again to see if the results have returned to normal.
To prepare for the next pregnancy, you should go for a pre-pregnancy examination at the Obstetrics specialist for specific advice.
- If my period is regular, and if it is an early miscarriage, I will get my period again after 1 month. If my period has not returned after 5 weeks, I must see a doctor.
- Abstain from sex during bleeding, prevent pregnancy with condoms for at least 2-3 months, take vitamin supplements, folic acid, prepare for the couple's health at least 1 month before pregnancy.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Answered by Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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