Does condom size matter?

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Using condoms properly and feeling comfortable is also not easy. If you don't feel comfortable wearing a condom, it can stop you from using it and lead to other problems like an unwanted pregnancy or some sexually transmitted infections.

1. What is a condom and what does it do?

Condoms are a popular means of contraception today. A condom is a bag made of rubber made from special materials that help prevent direct contact between the genitals.
Condoms include two main types: male condoms and female condoms. Both types are effective when used with effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and preventing sexually transmitted diseases. In this article, we will mainly refer to male condoms because this is the type commonly used in Vietnam.
Research shows that the effectiveness of condoms in preventing pregnancy is up to 98% if used correctly. However, if not used correctly, this percentage is achieved at 85%.
Besides, condoms also help prevent direct contact from body secretions such as semen, vaginal fluids and blood during sex. It helps to prevent some sexually transmitted diseases like Gonorrhea (Gonorrhea), Chlamydia, HIV and Syphilis.
However, condoms do not effectively protect against some diseases such as herpes and genital warts. These diseases are usually spread through direct skin contact in the genital area such as labia majora, labia minora, scrotum. Therefore, condoms are only effective in protecting the body of the penis and in the vagina.

Bao cao su không có tác dụng ngăn ngừa một số bệnh lây nhiễm qua đường tình dục
Bao cao su không có tác dụng ngăn ngừa một số bệnh lây nhiễm qua đường tình dục

2. Common problems when using condoms

There are many brands of condoms on the market, each with different types and sizes. Condoms are usually made from latex but are sometimes made from polyurethane or other materials. However, condoms are considered medical tools, so they need to meet the standards of assessment organizations such as International Standardization (ISO).
According to ISO standards, condoms must pass a number of tests such as “air pump” and “electrical test” to make sure they do not puncture and do not break. ISO is also required to have standards for thickness and set requirements for the shelf life of condoms.
However, the most complained problem when using condoms is not suitable for penis size. About 50% of men think that the condom they use is not suitable for their penis size.
A recent survey of men about condom fit. About a third of those surveyed think condoms are too tight and some think they are too long, too short or too wide.
Dropping or tearing of condoms is also related to size and these are also the main problems encountered with condom use, although the rate is less than 10 percent. Some other problems like not feeling comfortable when using, not feeling arousal and difficult to maintain an erection or condom drying out during sex.

Bao cao su bị rách do sai lệch kích thước khi sử dụng
Bao cao su bị rách do sai lệch kích thước khi sử dụng

3. How does condom size affect?

Having the right condom size will help increase comfort during sex. This helps both of you achieve the purpose of the relationship, but still ensures that there are no unintended problems such as pregnancy and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
Research shows that, if men do not choose the right condom size, men will use less condoms. This will lose the benefits that condoms bring.
Besides feeling comfortable during sex, choosing the wrong size can reduce the contraceptive effectiveness that condoms bring. If you use a condom size larger than the penis size, there is a risk that the condom will drop during sex, and conversely, the risk of condom tearing increases when using a size smaller than the size of the penis.

4. What are the sizes of condoms?

The average size of the penis is between 5 and 7 inches (15 - 20cm) and has a circumference of 3.5 to 6 inches (10-18cm). However, the size is quite variable depending on age and race.
According to surveys on penis size in Vietnam, the average length of a man's penis is about 11-13cm when erect. The circumference of the penis in a normal state is from 5 to 9.5cm, when erect it is from 7 to 13.5cm. If the erection length is less than 9cm, it is considered short.

Độ dài dương vật thay đổi tùy theo độ tuổi và chủng tộc
Độ dài dương vật thay đổi tùy theo độ tuổi và chủng tộc

Manufacturers offer condoms in a variety of sizes. Sizes of condoms are divided into three main categories based on the diameter of the penis:
- Small condoms: Width 49 (+-2) mm
- Medium condoms: Width 52(+) -2) mm.
- Large condom: Width 55(+-2) mm.

5. How to choose the right condom size?

To determine the right condom size you can follow these simple steps
- Step 1: Measure the circumference of the penis in an erect state.
- Step 2: Choose a condom size. If the penis circumference is less than 110cm, it corresponds to a 49mm condom, from 110 to 125cm corresponds to a 52mm medium condom, and if it is larger than 126mm, choose a 55mm size.
- Step 3: Select the appropriate brand.
Based on studies on penis size, both ISO and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) recommend a minimum condom length of 6.3 inches (16cm). Most products on the market are about 7 inches (20cm) and have a sperm compartment at the top of the condom. So you should not be too concerned about the length of the condom whether it is enough for the length of the penis or not.
Or the most accurate and simple way to ensure that you get the right size and comfort you should use to check the size of the condom is suitable for the size of the penis. Note that the test is suitable when the penis is in an erect state.
Sexual needs in each person will be different and partly reflect your health status. If you are having problems with decreased sex drive and don't know how to solve it, go to Vinmec International General Hospital for consultation, examination and treatment by specialist doctors. To register for the fastest examination and treatment, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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