Does a positive HBsAg score of 66.4 mean hepatitis B?

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If the HBsAg index is 66.4 positive, how is the liver condition, do you have hepatitis B, doctor?
Vo The Nhu (Nha Trang)
Hello, your HBsAg result is 66.4 positive, which means you are infected with hepatitis B virus. You need to do more tests: Anti-HBc IgM to evaluate for acute hepatitis or chronic hepatitis. If Anti-HBc IgM is positive, you are infected with acute hepatitis B virus. According to statistics, more than 90% of patients with acute hepatitis B virus will recover completely without leaving any sequelae after 6 months. Therefore, you need to monitor and re-test for HBsAg after 6 months. If Anti-HBc IgM is negative, you are infected with chronic hepatitis B virus, you need to go to reputable medical facilities for examination, testing and monitoring treatment if indicated.
Doctor Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital
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