Do you need to take birth control pills when the new penis is inserted into the vagina and then withdrawn?

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Hello doctor! I was forced to have sex, but when the penis was inserted inside the vagina, I pulled it out immediately, so the time when the penis was inside the vagina was less than 10 seconds, but due to the secretion of mucus from the penis, I was worried. Unplanned pregnancy problems.
My most recent period fell on March 31 and ended on April 3, then 2 days later, April 5, the above incident happened. So the doctor asked me, in my case, do I need to take birth control pills or not? How to avoid pregnancy naturally, ask your doctor for advice and quick answers. I would like to thank you!
Anonymous client questions
Hello doctor. I put my penis inside and then pull it out, is it possible to get pregnant if I don't click? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you .
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! Theoretically, the new penis comes into contact with the vagina and then comes out immediately and does not ejaculate, the possibility of pregnancy is almost impossible. However, in the genital fluid, there may be a number of sperms mixed or not, if there is a mix, the number is not much, without being inserted deep into the uterus, so the possibility of conception is considered very low.
If you are too worried and worried, you can use emergency contraception. However, this drug can cause some side effects such as menstrual cycle disturbances, fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness... long-term abuse of the drug can cause health problems. future reproductive health. Therefore, you should only use it when the risk is really high. If this happens again, you should use a condom to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
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