Do you know what the heel blood is for?

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Video content is professionally consulted by BSCK I. Tran Thi Thu Ha, Women's Health Center, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

Any part of the baby's body can be taken for blood tests, however, usually, doctors will take blood from the baby's heel (area with abundant blood) for testing. experience. In particular, children who have blood drawn on their heels will also have less pain compared to other areas.
“What is the purpose of taking blood from an infant's heel?” This is a question that many people are interested in and want to know the answer to. In recent years, the newborn screening heel blood test is recommended by doctors, newborn screenings will be done from 24-72 hours by taking blood from the baby's heel to help doctors Screening for some genetic diseases, metabolic disorders in children, reducing the number of children with physical and intellectual retardation and many other diseases.
The medical staff will perform the heel blood collection procedure for the baby within 24 hours - 72 hours, preferably 48 - 72 hours after birth, or it can last for 7 days after birth, when children have eaten milk more than 8 times. In the case of premature and low birth weight babies, they should be taken to newborn screening to get heel blood before the 20th day after birth. Children who need blood transfusion after birth will have heel blood taken after 3 months. The blood taken will be blotted on special dry blotting paper and brought for testing.
There are 3 diseases that can be detected through the newborn heel blood test, including:
G6PD deficiency: This is an inherited disease caused by a malformation of the X chromosome causing jaundice, if prolonged, it will cause jaundice. so the risk of brain disease, can cause high mortality or neurological complications, growth retardation... Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: When the body has this disease, the adrenal gland cannot produce 2 hormones cortisol and aldosterone according to the normal needs of children. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a lifelong disease, there is no definitive cure, and when the girl grows up, she has to give birth by cesarean section. Congenital Hypothyroidism: Congenital hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones in infancy. When the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, the child will become dull, and the child will be affected both intellectually and in height. If detected early and treated promptly within 2 weeks to supplement thyroid hormone, the child will develop normally. In fact, when a child is born, there are many diseases that cannot be seen with the naked eye, so in order for a child to develop normally, it is necessary to have more information about the child's health status in order to timely detect diseases. , it is very necessary to take blood from the heel.

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