Do pharyngitis and tonsillitis recur?

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The doctor asked me: I have a sore throat, red inflamed throat with white particles. I've been taking medicine for a year now and it doesn't work. I also went to many hospitals, including Oncology, but the doctor only concluded that I had a sore throat and tonsillitis. But when I took the medicine prescribed by the doctor, it didn't go away. Now what should I do to fix this situation?
Linh (1984)
Pharyngitis, tonsillitis or recurrent tonsillitis due to the specific structure of the oral cavity as the gateway to the eating route. In the air, food always has pathogens that are bacteria and viruses. Prolonged sore throat can cause complications to other organs and parts of the body. I need to have regular check-ups with an Ear, Nose Throat doctor for advice on prevention and treatment.
You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more detailed advice.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Specialist Doctor Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.

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