Long-lasting sore throat does not go away, what to do?

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Hello doctor! I have a sore throat for about 7 years now, have taken all kinds of medicines but still not cured. I have a sore throat, a lot of phlegm in the hollow of my neck. I hope you can give me some advice, thanks.
Le Quang Trung (1995)
Hello! Nasopharyngitis is a disease specific to tropical monsoon climates. The disease is closely related to the weather, caused by bacteria, viruses in the air or super dust particles, mold, so it is easy to recur.
I need to clean my nose and throat every day. When there are symptoms of a lot of pain in the throat, sputum spreading in many areas of the nose and throat affecting daily activities, it is necessary to visit an Ear - Nose - Throat specialist for advice on reasonable treatment.
Thank you for sending your question to Vinmec Health System. I hope you get well soon!
Specialist Doctor Ear - Nose - Throat Department - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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