Do oral contraceptives cause infertility?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Huynh Thi Hien - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Using oral contraceptives daily can cause infertility or not is a concern of many women. In fact, there is no evidence that the daily pill causes infertility.

1. Daily birth control pills

Currently, contraceptive products are very diverse: Daily contraceptive pill, Emergency contraceptive pill, Contraceptive implant, Vaginal ring, Oral contraceptive injection every 3 months (DMPA),... In which Oral contraceptives are pills that contain the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. The drug is packaged in blisters of 21 or 28 tablets, with a combination of 2 hormones or a single hormone.
Daily intake of small amounts of female sex hormones helps a woman maintain the hormone levels in her body that prevent ovulation. In addition, the drug also thins the lining of the uterus so that even if an egg is fertilized, it cannot implant. In addition, oral contraceptives also thicken the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from passing and reduce sperm movement in the fallopian tubes. Therefore, the effectiveness of daily oral contraceptives is very high, about 99% for common cases.
Most women can use oral contraceptives every day, except those with heart disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, people over 35 years old who smoke a lot, patients being treated for tuberculosis, those have cancer in the breast or genitals. If you do not fall into these cases, you can safely use birth control pills without worrying about affecting your health.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn đã biết cách tránh thai an toàn chưa?

Có rất nhiều biện pháp tránh thai an toàn nhưng không phải ai cũng biết được điều đó. Trả lời đúng những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm dưới đây chứng tỏ bạn có kiến thức tốt về các biện pháp ngừa thai an toàn.

2. Do daily birth control pills cause infertility?

There is no evidence that daily oral contraceptives cause infertility. With oral contraceptives, the ability to get pregnant is restored as soon as you stop taking them, and many people even get pregnant within the first month after stopping the pill. With birth control pills, many people just need to forget 1-2 pills and get pregnant if they don't follow the way to make up and take extra protection when forgetting the pill.

Thuốc tránh thai hàng ngày có gây vô sinh?
Thuốc tránh thai hàng ngày có gây vô sinh?
However, if a woman wants to get pregnant again, it is recommended that she stop taking the Pill 2 to 3 months before deciding to conceive. This is because by preventing ovulation, the pill causes changes in your uterus that take time for these changes to go away.

3. Delayed having a baby after taking birth control pills for many years

Some women, after stopping the pill for a while, still do not have children. However, daily oral contraceptives do not affect the ability to get pregnant again. The delay in having children can have many other reasons.
If you use more injectable contraceptives, sometimes it takes 9 - 23 months to get pregnant again, even for people of childbearing age and good fertility (20-35 years old) ). It's completely normal to delay getting pregnant after taking the injection and it's simply the contraceptive effect of the pill remaining in your body, not the infertility. Don't worry too much, wait a little longer if this is the case.
Most women are able to become pregnant again within 1 year of stopping the pill. Therefore, if using only daily oral contraceptives and the delay in pregnancy continues for a long time, the couple should go to medical facilities specializing in obstetrics and gynecology for examination and exclusion of other causes that may cause problems. for pregnancy.

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