Do not want to eat, hot pain in the chest and abdomen on the left side, what are the signs of disease?

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Hello doctor! I feel tired, don't want to eat, in the past 10 days I have had a bowel movement 2-3 times a day, broken stools. I have a burning pain in the entire left chest and abdomen, pain in the back of the shoulder blade. Occasional left-sided angina for a few minutes or seconds. I feel as tired as if I was startled. Please ask the doctor the symptoms, do not want to eat, go out, hot pain in the entire chest and left abdomen, what are the signs of disease? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous question
Hello! You may have a problem with your coronary (arterial system that supplies blood to the heart) you should see a doctor soon to diagnose the disease.
Besides, it is necessary to exclude the group of gastrointestinal diseases (gastroenteritis). You can register for an examination at a medical facility near your home or a hospital under the Vinmec Health System.
Looking forward to meeting you and talking more about your health. Thank you for your trust, send the question "Do not want to eat, go to the toilet, hot pain in the entire chest and left abdomen, what are the signs of disease?" to Vinmec. Best regards.
Answered by Master, Doctor Vu Huu Thang - Emergency Resuscitation Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
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