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Articles in Tired person

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Uses of Actadol 500
Actadol 500 medicine is often indicated in cases of people with fever, headache, toothache, earache, body aches due to flu... The drug can be used for both children and adults. However, the dosage and how to use Actadol 500?
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Do not want to eat, hot pain in the chest and abdomen on the left side, what are the signs of disease?
Hi doctor! I feel tired, don't want to eat, in the past 10 days I have had a bowel movement 2-3 times a day, broken stools. I have a burning pain in the entire left chest and abdomen, pain in the back of the shoulder blade.
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Fatigue with pain is a symptom of what disease?
Hello doctor, I have a question, I have fatigue and pain all over my body accompanied by frequent lower right abdominal pain. I went to the doctor, the doctor said stomach and colon pain, but taking the medicine did not see all, still aching and tired with insomnia.
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Elevated yeast with chills is it okay?
I have had tests and ultrasounds, the results of gastritis and colitis, elevated liver enzymes, because the past few days I have always felt tired and chilled (no fever). Doctor let me ask if the enzyme is elevated with chills? Thank you doctor.
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Often shortness of breath, angina, fatigue, dizziness are signs of what disease?
Hi doctor! I often have difficulty breathing, chest pain or sudden sharp pain. The pain is usually in the left chest spreading to the back, the person is tired and has no strength. Dizziness, dizziness even when sitting, also want to fall, sometimes it will last for a few minutes.
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Mild hypertension, slow heart rate, what should people do and where to check?
Hi doctor! The doctor told me, my 32-year-old husband has mild hypertension of 140-150 mmHg, very slow heart rate of 50-60 beats/min. I went to the hospital, but the doctor said there was no problem with eating properly, but the fatigue in the afternoon did not improve.
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Blood pressure near 150 mmHg, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain are signs of what disease?
Yesterday I was sleeping when I was startled by a noise. When I opened my eyes, my body was warm and my blood pressure was 145/77. I feel short of breath, I lie down for a bit and then measure again, my blood pressure is 130. When I wake up in the morning, my body is tired, my chest hurts, I feel sleepy but I can't sleep. In the afternoon, I felt hot and when I was resting, my body felt like it was late at night. I took the meter, it was nearly 150 and my body was always tired, uncomfortable and often had difficulty breathing. Ask your doctor if your blood pressure is close to 150 mmHg, if you are tired, have trouble breathing, what are the signs of chest pain?
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Fast heart rate with fatigue?
I had a heart exam due to occasional throbbing pain in the heart area and a rapid pulse of 110 beats/min, fatigue. But during general examination at the heart hospital such as ultrasound, blood test, electrocardiogram, stress test. The doctor concluded that it was okay, but from time to time I still see my heart rate up to 90 when doing light work, people are tired. So the doctor asked me if my heart rate is fast and tired? Thank you doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics