Distinguish between migraine and vestibular disorders

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Huynh An Thien - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

Migraine and vestibular disorders are very common neurological symptoms in the community. The following article will provide basic information to distinguish migraine and vestibular disorders, as well as how to deal with these problems.

1. What is a migraine?

1.1 Concepts

Migraine headaches (also called migraine headaches) are chronic headaches with moderate to severe pain. Although this type of pain often recurs, it is completely benign.

1.2 Signs

Migraine pain lasts from 4 to 72 hours, only pain on one side of the head, can change the position of pain between two attacks, and the patient feels the pain in a beat, increasing with movement or in many places light, noisy, may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Sometimes a migraine headache has warning symptoms such as dizziness, light flashes, ringing in the ears, numbness on one side of the head... Migraine headaches are common in the age group of 12-40 years and the frequency is common. decreases after age 40. Females are more common than males.

Đau nửa đầu kéo dài từ 4 đến 72 giờ, chỉ đau một bên đầu, có thể thay đổi vị trí bên đau giữa hai lần đau
Đau nửa đầu kéo dài từ 4 đến 72 giờ, chỉ đau một bên đầu, có thể thay đổi vị trí bên đau giữa hai lần đau

1.3 Cause

The cause of migraine headaches is still unclear. Some theories suggest that the origin of these pains is neurological dysfunction, including vasoconstriction and asymmetry between neurotransmitters. In addition, inherited genetic mutations have also been shown to play a role in the onset of this disease.

1.4 Treatment

Treatment depends on the severity of the pain. If pain is mild to moderate, the patient will respond well to conventional pain relievers. If the migraine is severe and the frequency of attacks is repeated several days a week, the doctor may consider prescribing 5-HT1 receptor agonists, dopamine antagonists, or sedatives.

1.5 Prevention

Prevention of new triggers is the most important thing in migraine treatment. Specifically, limit drinking alcohol, eating foods containing chocolate, some cheeses, lack of sleep, over-activity, bright lights, sounds or other stimuli... Patients should learn how to reduce stress, To reduce stress, practice meditation can help reduce migraines from recurring or occurring at a more tolerable level.

2. What is vestibular disorder?

2.1 Concepts

The vestibule is an organ that keeps balance, thereby helping to maintain stability, balance, posture, and coordination of eye, head and trunk movements. The vestibular system includes a receptor, the semicircular canal located in the cochlea, nerves that conduct and analyze signals in the brain.

2.2 Signs

Vestibular disorders occur when any of the organs of the above system are damaged. At that time, the typical manifestation is the body's loss of balance when moving, changing positions, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea... The average age of onset is 60 years and older and The disease occurs more frequently in women than in men.

Cơ thể mất khả năng giữ thăng bằng khi di chuyển, thay đổi tư thế, hoa mắt, chóng mặt, ù tai, buồn nôn là dấu hiệu của rối loạn tiền đình
Cơ thể mất khả năng giữ thăng bằng khi di chuyển, thay đổi tư thế, hoa mắt, chóng mặt, ù tai, buồn nôn là dấu hiệu của rối loạn tiền đình

2.3 Cause

Causes of lesions are diverse, from inflammation, sclerosis, degeneration to ischemia, hemorrhage or trauma. Therefore, the treatment must also depend on the cause of the disease. However, the most common cause of vestibular disorders is benign paroxysmal postural vertigo. Although completely benign, this disease causes a very uncomfortable feeling of dizziness for the patient. However, the symptoms are relieved with repositioning tests or antihistamines...

3. Treatment of migraine and vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders and migraine diseases in the Department of Neurology. Their symptoms are very uncomfortable, appear in episodes and recur many times, affecting the patient's quality of life, daily activities and work.
If symptoms appear for the first time, the patient may confuse the two diseases. Self-treatment for the wrong cause instead of visiting a specialist will make the disease worse, make the patient more worried, the symptoms become worse, and sometimes dangerous complications occur. dangerous. However, when symptoms repeat many times, according to the characteristics described above, the patient will know which pathology is right for his condition. In addition, if you want to know for sure what disease you have and how to treat it, you should go to a reputable hospital for regular health checkups. Currently, Vinmec is implementing a lot of general health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and specific needs of customers with very favorable price policy, including:
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