What's the difference between a migraine headache and a migraine?

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The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Huynh An Thien - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.
Work pressure, hormone imbalance, depression or abusive use of birth control pills... are the causes of headaches and migraines. In the content of the article below, it will help you distinguish between a headache and a migraine so that you can have the right treatment.

1. What is the difference between headache and migraine?

1.1. Headache

Symptoms: Headache is a common symptom with symptoms like headache.
Location: The pain can come from any area of ​​the head.
Properties : Normal headaches are not too painful. However, it can also vary from a sharp pain to a dull ache and be accompanied by other symptoms.

1.2. Migraine Migraine

Headache with nausea and vomiting: Migraine headaches with more severe pain will make the person feel nauseous and vomiting.

Đau đầu kèm theo buồn nôn và nôn.
Đau đầu kèm theo buồn nôn và nôn.

Migraine causes the patient to be sensitive to sound and light: during a migraine, the pain becomes more severe, making the patient sensitive to sound and light, even to a lesser degree. light. Headaches that are worse with physical activity: When you have a migraine, you will just want to rest, because physical activity will make the pain worse, even with light activity. Migraine headaches cause the sufferer to be excited, even the slightest noise can make the sufferer agitated and just want to close his eyes. Headache accompanied by watery, runny nose is one of the main signs of a migraine. Cravings for certain foods before a headache: In some cases, people with migraines often have cravings for certain foods before migraine symptoms appear, such as chocolate. . Headache accompanied by severe eye pain is also one of the symptoms of a migraine. This symptom causes many people to confuse migraines with eye disorders, so patients only go for an eye exam and ignore migraine symptoms. Headache with dizziness: If the patient has a headache that is accompanied by dizziness, loss of balance and blurred vision, it is one of the main symptoms of a migraine. Location: Pain occurs on one side of the head (left migraine, right migraine, anterior migraine, posterior migraine).
Properties: When you have a migraine, the manifestation of the pain will be a sharp, sharp pain that is more severe than a normal headache. When you have a migraine, you will find it difficult to concentrate on any task.

2. Where can I check for migraine headaches and migraines?

Migraine headaches are common, but the cause is unknown. The disease is easy to diagnose but also easy to recur, so it needs to be monitored and treated.
At the Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital gathers a team of specialists with extensive experience in the field of neurology - stroke, with modern equipment including a Cathlab room. , the full-option DSA scanner has all the functions for neurological intervention, where many high-tech techniques can be deployed to intervene in neurological diseases - stroke.

Khám đau đầu và đau nửa đầu migraine ở Vinmec
Khám đau đầu và đau nửa đầu migraine ở Vinmec
The team of neurologists at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital includes
MSc Le Duong Tien: has 20 years of experience in internal medicine, especially many years of experience in musculoskeletal medicine. joint, neurological, endocrine and cardiovascular. MSc Bui Ngoc Phuong Hoa: has more than 24 years working in the field of neuropsychiatric specialty, has participated in many continuous training courses on epilepsy, cerebrovascular accident, Alzheimer's, movement disorders, aging and endocrine diseases. BSCKII Le Nghiem Bao: well-trained at home and abroad (France, Germany, China). Dr. Le Nghiem Bao has more than 30 years of experience in neurosurgery and used to teach at Da Nang Hospital. MSc. Huynh An Thien : Strength and experience in examination, consultation and treatment of neurological diseases; respiratory and endocrine - metabolic diseases, has worked for a long time at Hue Central Hospital. When there are signs of frequent and prolonged migraine, you can go to the Department of Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Danang Hospital for timely examination and treatment. HOTLINE contact and make an appointment: 0236 3711 111
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