Distinguish between malaria and dengue fever

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Dengue fever and malaria are both infectious diseases that easily affect the health and life of patients. Dengue fever and malaria often have similar initial symptoms of high fever and chills, making it difficult to diagnose and treat.

1. What is Dengue and Malaria?

Malaria and dengue fever are two infectious diseases that easily affect the health and life of patients. There is currently no vaccine for both diseases. The disease often causes large epidemics, making treatment extremely difficult, causing great economic and social losses.
Dengue fever is a disease transmitted by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito (also known as the female Aedes mosquito). They affect the red blood cells and platelets in the blood. Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus, symptoms of the disease will appear after 4-13 days. Dengue mosquitoes like to bite people in daylight.
Malaria is a disease that directly affects blood cells transmitted by female Anophen mosquitoes. Disease caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium. You will see symptoms of malaria appear 8-25 days after being bitten by a mosquito. Anopheles mosquitoes that transmit malaria like to bite people at dusk and dawn.

Muỗi là tác nhân gây bệnh sốt xuất huyết và sốt rét
Muỗi là tác nhân gây bệnh sốt xuất huyết và sốt rét

2. Distinguishing between malaria and dengue fever

To distinguish between different malaria and dengue fever will be based on signs, causes, incubation period, because although there are similar initial symptoms such as high fever, chills, but in each disease, there will be different characteristics.
2.1 Causes Dengue fever: The disease is transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito with Aedes aegypti and is spread if the mosquito bites an infected person and then infects others who are not infected. Mosquitoes that cause dengue usually attack during the day. Malaria: Commonly caused by mosquito bites, malaria differs from dengue fever in that it is caused by the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes. The disease is spread through the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito, unlike dengue. Mosquitoes that cause malaria usually attack at night.
2.2. Incubation period Dengue fever: 4-5 days after being bitten, dengue symptoms appear. How long does it take for dengue fever to go away? Accordingly, from the time of onset of the disease with the first high fever, the disease will gradually recover in 7-10 days after that. Malaria: 10-15 days after being bitten, the symptoms of malaria appear. 2.3. Symptoms of Dengue fever:
The virus that causes the disease attacks the patient suddenly; headache persists for a while and symptoms of bone pain appear. Dengue fever usually begins with a continuous fever that lasts about 3-4 days. Patients may have a fever from 39.5 degrees Celsius to 41.5 degrees Celsius, accompanied by headache and pain in bones and joints. After the fever subsides, the patient may have bleeding under the skin, nosebleeds or bleeding gums and teeth. In addition, patients with dengue fever also have some symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pain in the eye sockets...

Sốt xuất huyết kèm đau nhức xương khớp và xuất huyết dưới da
Sốt xuất huyết kèm đau nhức xương khớp và xuất huyết dưới da

The fever duration of malaria is shorter but there are many symptoms such as joint pain, nausea and vomiting, sweating, anemia... Malaria then usually returns with the symptoms. symptoms such as chills, hot flashes, sweating. Uncomplicated malaria can appear in waves and usually last 6 to 10 hours. So how long does each bout of malaria last? Chills can last from 15 minutes to 1 hour, corresponding to the sympathomimetic phase. After that, the temperature rises to 39 - 40 degrees Celsius, can be from 30 minutes to several hours and finally the temperature drops, sweating... In addition, there are some other symptoms such as mild jaundice and breathing. urgent. Complicated Malaria: Severe malaria can be fatal. Some patients will have non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, body aches. If the disease progresses to a stage where it affects internal organs, blood or metabolic function, the symptoms of the disease will become more intense, such as: abnormal behavior changes, loss of consciousness, seizures, deficiency blood, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, kidney failure,...

Bệnh nhân sốt rét với triệu chứng ớn lạnh, vã mồ hôi
Bệnh nhân sốt rét với triệu chứng ớn lạnh, vã mồ hôi

3. How to prevent malaria and dengue fever

The best prevention of malaria and dengue fever is to kill mosquitoes, larvae/larvae and prevent mosquito bites by:
Eliminate mosquito breeding places, kill larvae/larvae, cover all tools Store water or turn water containers upside down when not in use to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. Collect and destroy waste items in the house and around the house such as bottles, jars, bottle fragments, broken glass pieces, butter pipes, ..., clean up the environment. Prevent mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved clothing (Wear light-colored clothing that covers your skin instead of dark clothing. This will help you avoid attracting mosquitoes); sleep under the net both day and night. Actively coordinate with local authorities and the health sector in chemical spraying for epidemic prevention and control. Use mosquito repellent sprays, mosquito scents, mosquito repellant creams, electric mosquito nets... to limit mosquito bites. When you are sick, you need to take steps to avoid spreading the disease to others.

Tích cực diệt muỗi phòng bệnh sốt rét và sốt xuất huyết
Tích cực diệt muỗi phòng bệnh sốt rét và sốt xuất huyết

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Articles refer to the source: Ministry of Health

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