Difficulties in the treatment of oropharyngeal cancer

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In Vietnam, nasopharyngeal cancer ranks first among head and neck cancers and fifth among cancers in general. Such is the high incidence, but the symptoms of the disease are atypical. Therefore, the detection and treatment of oropharyngeal cancer is difficult.

1. How dangerous is throat cancer?

1.1. Recognizing signs Headache is often dull, diffuse, one-sided tinnitus like rice grinding or ticking, increasing tendency, stuffy nose, blowing nose blood, or nosebleeds, localized with severe attacks bouncing.
The most common group is the angled lymph nodes, the prominent feature is the small, firm, painless lymph nodes that are often discovered incidentally, then more lymph nodes may appear on one or both sides of the neck. Enlarged lymph nodes gradually break the envelope causing painful sores on the skin for the patient. There is also cranial nerve palsy such as strabismus, double vision, facial numbness, tongue twisting, later signs of choking etc....
1.2. Nasopharyngeal cancer develops through the following stages Stage 1: This is the beginning stage and the tumors are usually very small in size. At this stage, the cancer cells have not yet developed, so if detected and treated early, the chance of being cured is almost completely.
Stage 2: At this stage, the tumor grows to 5 - 6 cm in size and the cells have also grown significantly. At this stage, if the tumor has not spread and is still in the larynx, the chance of cure is still very high.
Stage 3: The growing cancer cells have spread to other nearby areas and caused irreversible damage. The chance of a complete cure is also very rare.
Stage 4: The tumor has spread to the lips and mouth and destroyed other lymphatic systems. Often the disease in the late stages are very dangerous stages and the chance of treatment is also almost impossible to intervene

Tại Việt Nam, tỷ lệ số người mắc ung thư vòm họng rất cao
Tại Việt Nam, tỷ lệ số người mắc ung thư vòm họng rất cao

2. Is throat cancer curable?

Medicine is increasingly developing and has found an effective way to treat nasopharyngeal cancer depending on the stage of the disease and the patient's condition. The cure and prolongation of life depend greatly on the early detection of cancer, and the cure rate is quite high.
The good news is that nasopharyngeal cancer can be completely cured with a rate of up to 90% if the disease is detected early and treated immediately. However, most cases of nasopharyngeal cancer are detected and diagnosed when the disease is in the late stages, the disease has shown symptoms from 6 months to a year.

3. Cost of nasopharyngeal cancer treatment

Treatment of cancers has an average cost for the first check-up of 5 – 10 million VND or more. As well as the amount of money that patients have to pay for cancer during the treatment period up to hundreds of millions.
The cost of treating oropharyngeal cancer may be difficult to calculate the exact number. Because cancer is a long-term treatment disease, many tests are performed regularly. The treatment also requires a lot of time, cooperation and perseverance along with the financial ability of the patient.

Tầm soát ung thư vòm họng để được điều trị sớm nhất
Tầm soát ung thư vòm họng để được điều trị sớm nhất

Therefore, do not be subjective but pay attention to recognize your own abnormal expressions to get an early health checkup.
Therefore, doctors recommend people to raise awareness of the importance of throat cancer screening as well as regular health check-ups.
The package of screening, and early detection of oropharyngeal, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers at Vinmec International General Hospital includes:
Full range of necessary services for early detection of oropharyngeal cancer Detecting abnormalities When registering for the screening package, and early detecting cancer of the oropharynx, pharynx, larynx, customers will be screened for nasopharyngeal - hypopharyngeal - laryngeal cancer. through general otolaryngology examination with hard or soft endoscope; Software ultrasound, thereby detecting the disease early, improving the effectiveness of treatment, increasing the survival rate for patients.
You can find out more about the screening package and early detection of nasopharyngeal cancer as well as other service packages of Vinmec International General Hospital HERE.
Is nasopharyngeal cancer contagious? How to detect oropharyngeal cancer Differentiate nasopharyngeal cancer and common pharyngitis
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