Difference between diabetes insipidus and diabetes

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The article is expertly advised by MSc. Doctor Vu Thi Duyen - Doctor of Nephrology - Endocrinology, Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus are both diseases related to metabolic disorders but have different characteristics. The comparison of diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus helps to clearly distinguish these two diseases from which to have appropriate treatment.

1. Diabetes insipidus

a. Causes of diabetes insipidus Diabetes insipidus is a disease with a rarer rate than diabetes, much more common in men than in women and often at a young age. The disease occurs because the body does not produce enough anti-diuretic hormone - ADH this is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the posterior pituitary gland and under blood osmotic pressure will be regulated. out.
Diabetes insipidus has a prevalence of 1:25000 people. The disease can appear at any age but mainly occurs in adults. Diabetes insipidus can also appear during pregnancy.
Causes may be central or renal
The cause of central diabetes insipidus may be
Head trauma. Benign or malignant tumor in the pituitary gland or in the brain. Due to brain surgery around the pituitary or hypothalamus. Due to cerebral hypoxia or severe cerebral ischemia. Idiopathic diabetes insipidus (hypothalamus cells are damaged and stop producing ADH) is caused by an autoimmune disease. Acute fatty liver in pregnant women. Heredity (rare). Causes of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus:
Causes of chronic kidney disease. Due to the use of certain drugs in excessive doses. Heredity (very rare).

Đái tháo nhạt xảy ra khi cơ thể sản xuất không đủ chất hormon kháng lợi tiểu - ADH
Đái tháo nhạt xảy ra khi cơ thể sản xuất không đủ chất hormon kháng lợi tiểu - ADH
b. Clinical symptoms of diabetes insipidus When having diabetes insipidus, the patient often has the following manifestations:
Urinating a lot can be from 3-20 liters/day, it can even be up to 40 liters/day. Urinating as often as every half an hour. Waking up several times at night to urinate. Feeling thirsty despite drinking lots of water, especially cold water. Common signs of dehydration include: headache, dry mouth, dry mouth, dry skin, dizziness, cramps, lethargy, and even unconsciousness. The body is tired and the ability to concentrate is reduced due to lack of sleep because it has to wake up to urinate many times during the night. Infants and young children with diabetes insipidus may have the following signs:
Unusual diaper wetness. Fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Dry skin. Slow growth. Lose weight. c. Treatment of diabetes insipidus The treatment of diabetes insipidus mainly depends on the cause of the disease in the central part or the kidney, then there is a new treatment method.
If the cause of diabetes insipidus is the pressure of the pituitary tumor, surgical removal of the tumor will be performed. If the cause is trauma or severe infection, then the trauma and infection should be treated aggressively. If due to kidney failure, proceed to treatment for kidney disease. If the cause is ADH deficiency, then it must be treated with replacement (hormonal use). In particular, the patient should know the amount of water he drinks in and out. If the patient is thirsty, the patient should not drink too much or too little, just drink just enough for the kidneys to work stably again.

Người mắc bệnh đái tháo nhạt nên kiểm soát lượng nước cơ thể uống vào và thải ra
Người mắc bệnh đái tháo nhạt nên kiểm soát lượng nước cơ thể uống vào và thải ra

2. Diabetes

a. Causes of diabetes Diabetes is caused by a heterogeneous metabolic disorder due to hyperglycemia or defects in insulin secretion, or both. Long-term increase in glucose causes disturbances in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, causing damage in many different organs, especially in the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, eyes and nervous system.
Type 1 diabetes: caused by destruction of pancreatic beta cells, leading to absolute insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes is caused by progressive decreased function of pancreatic beta cells against the background of insulin resistance. Gestational diabetes: diagnosed in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy Secondary diabetes LADA type diabetes
b. Clinical symptoms of diabetes Diabetes has the following manifestations:
There is a feeling of extreme thirst, also known as polydipsia. Urinating a lot, urinating often every hour. Unexplained weight loss. Feeling exhausted and tired. In addition, there may also appear other symptoms such as:
Nausea or vomiting. Blurred vision if there are eye complications. Frequent vaginal infections in women Yeast or candida infections Dry mouth. Slow healing of sores or cuts. Skin itching, especially in the groin or vaginal area.

Có nhiều biểu hiện của người mắc bệnh đái tháo đường
Có nhiều biểu hiện của người mắc bệnh đái tháo đường
c. Treatment of diabetes For patients with diabetes must have a special diet to control blood sugar. There should be snacks at the same time each day.
Regularly check your blood sugar with a home blood glucose meter (capillary glucose meter) and watch out for signs that your blood sugar is too low or too high. Need to know how to detect hypoglycemia and how to treat hypoglycemia at home.
Type 1 diabetes is a disease that cannot be cured, but type 2 diabetes can be improved well with healthy lifestyle changes (such as having a reasonable diet, appropriate exercise, taking medication). reasonable).
Diagnosing diabetes is not difficult, but treating the disease is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to screen for diabetes early and have good blood sugar control treatment. Good blood sugar control and prevention of complications are entirely dependent on the patient's understanding and adherence to treatment.
Through the information that compares diabetes insipidus and diabetes, hopefully, it will help you distinguish these two diseases from which to have timely treatment to always have a good health for study and work. effective.
Currently, Vinmec International Hospital always deploys a screening package for diabetes and dyslipidemia to help detect pre-diabetes early, accurately classify diabetes type, and develop a healthy diet. care, monitoring to minimize the risks and complications caused by diabetes.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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