Diet and Thalassemia

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Posted by Doctor Pediatrician - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Thalassemia (congenital hemolytic anemia) is an inherited hemolytic anemia. The disease can leave severe sequelae and become a burden on the family and society. However, the symptoms of the disease can be controlled by maintaining a reasonable diet and rest.

1. What is congenital hemolytic disease?

Thalassemia is an inherited congenital hemolytic anemia – meaning parents pass on the disease gene to their children. The disease has many forms, from mild form without disease (carriers of disease genes). There may be severe disease with severe anemia, requiring periodic blood transfusions to ensure the hemoglobin is above 90g/l. When patients with severe form receive regular blood transfusions, the complications caused by anemia such as heart failure, splenomegaly, and growth retardation can be reduced.
However, repeated blood transfusions cause an overload of iron in the body. Each ml of red blood cells contains 1.16mg of iron. Transfusion of 1 unit of 250ml of blood brings about 250mg of iron into the body. Thalassemia also causes increased absorption of iron in the diet to increase red blood cell production.

2. Diet for patients with congenital hemolytic disease

To minimize iron overload in the diet, Thalassemia patients need to pay attention to eating foods that are low in iron.
2.1. Foods high in iron Iron is found in meat: Iron is found in red meat such as beef, lamb, pork, dark parts of chicken, animal liver and eggs. Seafood: Some seafood contains a lot of iron such as: oysters, mussels, fish, Vegetables: Some vegetables contain a lot of iron such as: Spinach, Lentils, Potatoes, Radishes.

Củ cải là một trong những loại rau củ chứa nhiều sắt
Củ cải là một trong những loại rau củ chứa nhiều sắt

In addition, young Thalassemia patients should not eat a lot of meat and fish because there are many other nutrients. Instead, choose foods with white meat like chicken breast, which has less iron.
2.1. Foods that reduce iron absorption Milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt are foods that should be used in the meals of people with Thalassemia. In addition, tea, coffee, soybeans are also recommended daily, especially tea has very good antioxidants.
Some foods increase iron absorption as follows:
Vitamin C found in fruits such as oranges and grapefruit should be avoided at meals Beer, onion salad, sauerkraut and fermented soy products. Patients with hemolytic anemia should avoid foods that increase iron absorption. Accordingly, it can be replaced with some good antioxidant foods such as vitamin E such as olive oil, sunflower oil. Carotenoids are found in carrots, corn, tomatoes, and papaya. Tea and red wine contain flavonoids which are good nutrients for patients.

In addition to adherence to treatment, diet is very important for Thalassemia patients. Accordingly, patients should choose foods that are low in iron such as white meat, eat with foods that reduce iron absorption such as milk, dairy products and some antioxidant drinks such as drinking green tea. Eat rich in vitamin E.

Sữa và các chế phẩm từ sữa có thể gây giảm khả năng hấp thu sắt
Sữa và các chế phẩm từ sữa có thể gây giảm khả năng hấp thu sắt

Congenital hemolytic disease is a disease that can leave many complications as well as burden the society, but they can be controlled from the time the child is still in the fetus through blood tests, pre-marital screening .

Realizing the importance and danger of congenital hemolytic disease, Vinmec International General Hospital has been implementing a pre-marital health check-up package for those who are about to get married. pregnancy and perform prenatal diagnosis with suspected cases of pregnant women and fetus with genetic abnormalities or congenital hemolytic disease. Accordingly, the examination process at Vinmec is carried out methodically by a team of highly qualified medical professionals, modern machinery system, thus giving accurate results, making a significant contribution to the identification of patients. diagnosis and stage of disease. From there, there are directions for effective consultation and treatment for patients.

If you have a need for medical examination by modern and highly effective methods at Vinmec, please register here.

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