Diagnosis of acute encephalitis

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Acute encephalomyelitis (acute brain syndrome) is an acute inflammatory disease of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. The disease is common in healthy men. Clinical manifestations are neuropsychiatric symptoms; meningeal irritation with focal neurological signs, optic neuritis, reduced or lost vision, hemiplegia or quadriplegia.

1. Causes of acute encephalitis - spinal cord

Based on clinical manifestations, people are divided into 3 types: brain body, spinal cord and spinal - brain body.
Causes of acute encephalitis:
After infection, intoxication. Post-immune encephalitis. Encephalitis of unknown cause. The main cause is impaired peripheral function. Toxic fluid invades the body causing damage to the new fluid, the eyes are not nourished, so the vision is blurred or lost, the limbs are difficult or paralyzed, even causing serious (very serious) complications.

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Sau nhiễm độc, người bệnh có khả năng viêm não tủy cấp tính

2. Diagnosis of spinal encephalitis

Diagnosis of acute encephalomyelitis must be based on:
History of disease related to serum transfusion, or after inflammation, infection. 1-2 weeks before the onset of the disease, most of them have inflammation and toxins of some diseases: measles, chickenpox, salivary gland inflammation, flu. Clinical: Most often have an acute onset, sudden headache, vomiting, mental confusion, often with meningeal syndrome accompanied by hallucinations, delusions, severe vision loss or blindness, even coma and convulsions. hard brain. Typical form: elevated cranial pressure, signs of meningeal irritation, papilledema optic edema Spinal cord: Manifestations as transverse myelitis, complete paralysis, loss of superficial and deep sensation, sphincter disturbances, reflexes bone tendons reduced or lost; but also when muscle tone increases, tendon reflexes increase. Laboratory tests: Clear cerebrospinal fluid, mononuclear cell proliferation, sometimes exceeding 10 ́ 107/ml; albumin can increase to 1g/ml fraction, much of which is g-globulin and IgG.

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