Diagnosed mild extrasystoles, what to do?

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Hello doctor, last December, I had a cardiovascular examination and was diagnosed with mild extrasystoles, but I am still worried about the disease getting worse. Currently, he is still normal, recently riding a motorbike is a bit dizzy and drinking alcohol is tired the next day. The doctor gave me advice about being diagnosed with mild ectopic pregnancy, what should I do?
Nguyen Van Oai (1990)
Hello! With the question "is diagnosed with mild extrasystoles, what to do?" The doctor would like to advise as follows: Mild extrasystole does not need to be treated with drugs, but it is necessary to maintain a scientific lifestyle as follows:
No smoking, no alcohol, no stimulants, avoid staying up late. Need to exercise about 30 minutes/day. Most cases of mild extrasystoles will go away, if not, you need to get checked. You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System to get more advice from doctors. Thank you for trusting Vinmec. Best regards!
Answered by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Bang Phong - Internal Medicine - Interventional Cardiology cum Head of Heart Failure Clinic - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
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