Decreased sex drive in men

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Decreased libido may not be as frequent in men as it is in women. The prevalence is about 15 to 16% in men, while the prevalence in women is about 30%, twice that of men. The decline in sex drive in men can cause psychological panic more than in women. The cause of this condition can be due to psychological problems or physical causes.

1. How do you know if men have low libido problems themselves?

Decline in sex drive does not happen suddenly but is usually a gradual process. Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact time, the decrease in libido usually has been going on for at least a few months before that.
Frequency of sexual activity is not the best measure of sexual desire and neither is sexual feelings. If you want sex and feel satisfied with it before, during and after sex, this is an accurate measure of sexual desire and also an effective treatment for low sex. sexual function.
There are many situations in which you can have sex if both of you have the need, but if you are in a binding relationship, having less sex (about once a week) but still feeling the same way. Feeling comfortable in each relationship is still considered normal.
If you don't feel happy about your low libido, researchers recommend confronting and finding solutions to these problems before they get worse.

Some early warning signs of low sex drive in men include:
Each time sex only happens in the bedroom. Having sex doesn't bring you feelings of attachment and sharing with your partner. One of them is always the one taking the initiative and the other feels pressured about having sex. You no longer feel the need to have sex. You feel sex is boring and procedural. You almost never have sexual thoughts or sexual fantasies about your partner. Frequency of intercourse only once or twice a month.

Cảm giác không còn có nhu cầu ham muốn tình dục ở đối phương
Cảm giác không còn có nhu cầu ham muốn tình dục ở đối phương
If you have all or most of the above, you may have a low sex drive problem. Understanding the causes of this condition is the first step to finding the right solutions.

2. Causes of decreased sex drive in men?

The causes of this complex condition stem from many factors such as physical, psychological and social. Immediate solutions often fail to address the situation and require a long process of change.
2.1. Decreased erectile function causes a decrease in sex drive. Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is not considered a decrease in sex drive, but when it is, it can lead to a decrease in sex drive. About 7% of adult men experience an inability to maintain an erection. Erectile dysfunction increases gradually with age, about 12% at age 40, 18% at age 50-59 and then increases sharply to 25% to 30% after age 60.
Erection can occur more times during sex, maybe 2 to 5 times in 45 minutes of sex. Depending on the cause of erectile dysfunction, medication can help improve the condition. Certain vasodilators such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra that increase blood flow to the penis can improve this condition.

2.2. Anxiety and decreased sex drive. Men often have two main problems when it comes to relationships. One is concerned about the quality of the relationship or the other is concerned about premature ejaculation. Nearly a third of men are concerned about premature ejaculation, while about one in five worry about not satisfying their partner.
The worry doesn't stop there, many men have the thought that they are not bringing enough quality of the relationship if their partner has not reached orgasm during sex. Research shows that only 26% of women experience orgasm during sex compared to 75% of men. So it's not surprising that men feel pressured, and having sex under such pressure can cause a loss of libido.

Lo lắng về chuyện tình dục có thể gây giảm ham muốn tình dục ở nam giới
Lo lắng về chuyện tình dục có thể gây giảm ham muốn tình dục ở nam giới

2.3. Stress leads to decreased sex drive. Men's work and psychological pressure are the main factors. If men's work performance is hindered and they do not feel satisfied at work, it can cause a decrease in sex drive.
2.4. Health problems that cause a decrease in sex drive. There are many health problems and chronic medical conditions that can reduce the ability to be sexually active in men. Certain serious medical conditions, such as cancer and depression, cause men to ignore thoughts about sex. Cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes can reduce blood flow to organs including the sex organs and reduce sexual function in men. People who are addicted to alcohol or even use alcohol excessively although infrequently can also cause a decrease in sex drive. Conditions such as thyroid hormone disorders or tumors of the pituitary gland (the organ that regulates the production of hormones including sex hormones) can also cause a decrease in sex drive.
(see also: Sexual dysfunction in people with depression)

2.5. The drug can affect sexual function. Antidepressants such as SSRIs can also reduce libido. Similarly, tranquilizers and blood pressure medications can also cause this condition. Excessive and regular use of stimulants such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana (marijuana) can also cause a decrease in sex drive. However, you can consult with your doctor about the use of drugs, some classes of alternative drugs to treat depression and some other conditions that have little effect on sexual function.
2.6. Relationships with sexual partners are also an important part of decreased libido. The state of the relationship with the partner also affects sexual function in men. Not only in women, men can also be inhibited psychologically if they do not feel happy in their relationship with their partner. Having sexual problems can be an early sign of other problems in the relationship and need attention.
(see also: Reasons for decreased sex drive in men and women)

Cuộc sống hôn nhân không hạnh phúc có thể gây giảm giảm ham muốn tình dục
Cuộc sống hôn nhân không hạnh phúc có thể gây giảm giảm ham muốn tình dục

3. Some solutions to help regain male sex drive.

Decreased sex drive can make men feel unsatisfied with their quality of life. Only 23% of men have decreased libido but still feel happy in life, this rate is 46% of women. However, decreased sex drive is not a chronic condition. Men can completely regain their sexual needs to help improve the quality of life for themselves and their families.
3.1. Exercise Exercise Playing sports, walking may or may not be one of the ways to improve this condition. If you exercise, try to challenge yourself a little more, this will help you feel healthy and full of life. A physical confidence can help you regain your sexual function.
3.2. Don't expect too much from the quality of the relationship. This will help you reduce the pressure on the quality of the relationship. Not all relationships have to be perfect, only about 40 to 50% of relationships are mutually satisfying. From a positive perspective, if women are not satisfied in this relationship, they will have the same pressure as men. This makes women likely to want to experience it again next time.

3.3. Make interesting appointments. Ideas related to sex are often spontaneous, unplanned, suddenly appearing at the right time and place. But for those who are busy with work and do not have enough time to think about sex problems. Instead, create a plan like setting a date, giving your partner a small gift, turning on a favorite piece of music, turning off your phone to avoid distractions, and hiring or asking someone to look after you. young so that you and your partner can enjoy your date.
3.4. Change the way you have sex. In men, sexual orientation is often focused on the genitals. In the human body, there are many other sexually stimulating zones (erogenous zones) that can satisfy a sexual partner. To achieve sexual satisfaction, the shortest distance from arousal to orgasm does not necessarily make a straight line to the genitals. Detouring around your partner's body is also a way to increase the quality and length of the relationship.

Thay đổi cách quan hệ tình dục giúp lấy lại ham muốn tình dục nam giới
Thay đổi cách quan hệ tình dục giúp lấy lại ham muốn tình dục nam giới

3.5. Share with your partner what you want with your partner. Talking about sex can be difficult for some people, and it can be even more difficult if you're both stressed and avoiding the issue. You should confront your problems and share with your partner about the problems you are having, talking more about sex can reduce stress and bring new ideas for both of you.
3.6. Consult with a sex specialist A sex specialist will help you to solve your problems in a scientific way. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, each cause of low sex drive will have its own treatment, so it is important to find out what is causing the problem. Your doctor can help you rule out physical problems and deal with psychological problems more effectively.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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See also:
Guidelines for a better, safer sex life What age can men maintain sex? Why do men experience sexual dysfunction?

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