CT scan detects fluid bags and many lymph nodes attached to the liver and stomach, is it dangerous?

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Hello doctor,
The doctor asked me to have a CT scan to detect fluid bags and many lymph nodes attached to the liver and stomach, is it dangerous? I hope to get an answer from you, thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
To the question “Can CT scan detect fluid sacs and many lymph nodes attached to the liver and stomach, is it dangerous? , the doctor replied as follows:
To know if the lymph node is dangerous, it is necessary to explore more about the lymph node properties such as the size of the lymph node, the morphology of the lymph node (circular, irregular border, thorny), the nature of the lymph node. lymph node infiltration. In the case of lymph nodes in many places in the abdomen as you mentioned, it is necessary to have a screening examination of the organs in the abdomen to detect intra-abdominal cancers that cause lymph node metastasis.
If the causes of lymph node metastasis have been excluded, it is necessary to biopsy the lymph nodes to diagnose other diseases such as lymph node tuberculosis, lymphoma, ... Therefore, to accurately diagnose the fluid sac and many lymph nodes attached to the liver , your stomach is dangerous, you should go to a medical facility for a doctor's advice. When you go to the doctor, you should bring the results of the previous computed tomography scan.
If you still have questions about the CT scan results, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System to check. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards

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Answered by Master. Doctor Nguyen Hong Hai - Doctor of Diagnostic Imaging - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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