Coping with morning sickness burnout

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Morning sickness is one of the typical conditions that appear in the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, up to 80% of pregnant women experience this condition. However, there are also many pregnant women who are lucky to have a smooth pregnancy without any nausea or picky eating, but there are also some pregnant women who are exhausted because of severe and prolonged morning sickness.

1. Does severe morning sickness affect fetal development?

Vomiting is a very common condition during pregnancy with symptoms such as: Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, dehydration... should have the English name "morning sickness", but this situation can happen at any time of the day.
Morning sickness usually occurs before the 9th week of pregnancy and ends before 12-14 weeks. However, there are some cases of morning sickness lasting up to several months and possibly even throughout pregnancy.
About 0.3 - 3% of pregnant women experience severe morning sickness (Hyperemesis gravidarum), pregnant women with severe vomiting, lose more than 5% of their weight and have other complications of dehydration. At this time, pregnant women need to be treated to reduce vomiting, restore water and electrolytes. If morning sickness persists and gets worse, hospitalization may be necessary. Some factors increase the possibility of severe morning sickness:
Carrying multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets...) The previous pregnancy also had morning sickness, which can be heavy or light. Having a mother or sister also had severe morning sickness during pregnancy. History of dizziness when changing positions or migraine headaches. In addition to morning sickness due to pregnancy, the symptoms of vomiting and nausea can also be caused by a number of other causes such as: gastritis - duodenitis, food poisoning, thyroid disease, gallbladder disease... It is necessary to notify the doctor. Know to detect these diseases if pregnant women have vomiting, nausea with an unusual nature:
Vomiting and nausea occurs after the 9th week. Vomiting and nausea appear with one of the following symptoms: Abdominal pain, fever, headache, goiter. Pregnant women often fear that morning sickness can be detrimental to the development of the fetus. With the symptoms of nausea or picky eating, pregnant mothers wonder whether the fetus will be provided with adequate nutrients to develop during pregnancy or not.
However, you should not worry too much in normal pregnancy cases. The interesting thing is that the fetus will know how to absorb the necessary nutrients from the mother.
Morning sickness usually does not affect the fetus and does not indicate the baby is in danger. In contrast, morning sickness also shows that the fetus is developing well, because the placenta increases the secretion of some hormones such as Beta hCG, estrogen into the mother's blood and causes morning sickness.
Only in cases of severe morning sickness causing excessive vomiting and inability to eat and drink can it potentially affect the development of the fetus if there is no timely intervention. Some studies also show that mothers who experience morning sickness during pregnancy have a lower miscarriage rate than those who do not. However, if you have too much morning sickness and lose weight, your baby may be born with low birth weight. In some cases, pregnant women who are pregnant suddenly stop having morning sickness, so the pregnant woman should go back to the doctor to check the status of the pregnancy.
Biologically, morning sickness has a protective effect on the fetus. Although pregnant women with morning sickness must limit their intake of many foods, through this, pregnant mothers can avoid the risk of transmitting disease to the baby through food. Elevated hormones during early pregnancy are thought to protect the unborn baby.

Kiệt sức vì ốm nghén nặng có thể ảnh hưởng đến thai kỳ
Kiệt sức vì ốm nghén nặng có thể ảnh hưởng đến thai kỳ

2. Why does morning sickness appear?

Although there have been many studies on this condition, scientists have not found the real reason for morning sickness. However, there are also some possibilities as follows:
Due to erratic eating habits of pregnant women and low blood sugar. The nervous system of some pregnant women is quite sensitive to certain foods and smells, causing feelings of nausea. Due to increased hormone levels in the first 3 months of pregnancy. In particular, the hormone progesterone relaxes the muscles of the digestive system, leading to food in the stomach pushed up into the esophagus, creating a feeling of nausea. This substance also makes food in the stomach more slowly digested than usual, thereby causing indigestion. Due to heredity.

3. Who is prone to morning sickness?

First time pregnant. Women who have been pregnant are less likely to experience morning sickness than new mothers. Women with multiple pregnancies. The first trimester or during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnant women suffer from motion sickness, seasickness. Women who are prone to fatigue or exhaustion from morning sickness during pregnancy. These people need to rest when necessary and should not put pressure on themselves. Women who are working in fields such as event organization, media, or heavy work such as moving house during pregnancy often have to face a lot of work pressure that leads to stress.

Một số phụ nữ bị kiệt sức vì ốm nghén nặng có thể do nhiều yếu tố tác động
Một số phụ nữ bị kiệt sức vì ốm nghén nặng có thể do nhiều yếu tố tác động

4. How to treat morning sickness effectively for pregnant women at home

Be patient first because morning sickness only lasts for the first few months of pregnancy. Overcoming the period of morning sickness will make you feel more comfortable. You also do not force yourself to eat mandatory nutritional menus. Instead, choose the right and favorite foods from the foods that are recommended for pregnant women. Avoid using foods and beverages with strong flavors such as coffee, alcohol, fried foods with a lot of fat,... You should eat foods that are simple, easy to make and easy to digest. Cool foods like salads, yogurt, fruit or cold soups also help your digestive system during pregnancy. There's also bread, pasta, potatoes, or cereal with low-fat milk. You should eat small portions and eat several meals a day. Avoid overeating when you are hungry. It takes up to 20 minutes for your brain to recognize that your stomach is full. So you should stop eating when you feel almost full. Always keep a bottle of water and snacks next to the bed. Drinking plenty of water every morning when you wake up and sipping on some cookies will reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. Some sweets also work to raise blood sugar and help relieve nausea. For a taste, you can also try fruity gummies. For some of you, the use of acupressure methods on the wrist can be beneficial. Consult your healthcare provider about these methods if helpful. Fresh ginger and lemon are good natural remedies to help relieve the effects of morning sickness. Drinking water mixed with ginger, lemon juice or eating foods from ginger and lemon will work to reduce the feeling of nausea. Keep teeth and tongue clean: In case you feel discomfort when brushing, use mouthwash. Drinking or slurping ice water has the same effect. Avoid products with strong odors such as perfumes, deodorants, detergents, and room sprays. Open the windows to let the room air out and avoid stuffy places. Sometimes you should go for a walk and get some fresh air. Iron supplements can irritate the stomach and increase nausea. Therefore, pregnant women can stop taking iron during severe morning sickness and start taking it again when morning sickness subsides. Don't forget to continue taking folic acid alone during this period. Some research shows that taking vitamins for 3 months before conception can reduce the frequency and severity of morning sickness. In case you are exhausted from morning sickness, are vomiting too much and cannot eat any food, you need to see your doctor. If morning sickness is more severe, such as dehydration and low blood pressure, you may need to be hospitalized so you can get the nutrients you need.
Only about 1-3% of women will experience a serious pregnancy problem. In many cases the doctor will need to prescribe antiemetic drugs. However, unnecessary use of the drug should be avoided, especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Although these drugs have been closely tested, they still have potentially dangerous side effects that can occur for both the mother and the fetus.

5. Treating severe morning sickness with medicine

If after you have changed your lifestyle and diet, there is still no improvement in your morning sickness and after ruling out other possible causes of vomiting and nausea, your doctor may prescribe some medications. medicine to help treat morning sickness:
Vitamin B6 and doxylamine: Vitamin B6 is a safe, over-the-counter drug to relieve nausea, but the effect is quite weak. If no improvement, you can add more doxylamine. This combination of 2 drugs does not pose any danger to the fetus and has been approved by the FDA for use in the US since 2013 for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Antiemetics: If vitamin B6 and doxylamine do not improve your morning sickness, your doctor may prescribe an antiemetic. Some antiemetics can be used safely during pregnancy, but there are many others to consider, only using when the benefits outweigh the risk of unwanted effects. Therefore, you should see a doctor, not buy medicine to take at home.

Mẹ bầu bị kiệt sức vì ốm nghén nặng nên gặp bác sĩ để được thăm khám và kê đơn điều trị
Mẹ bầu bị kiệt sức vì ốm nghén nặng nên gặp bác sĩ để được thăm khám và kê đơn điều trị

6. Treatment of exhaustion due to severe and prolonged morning sickness with Traditional Medicine

According to Traditional Medicine, morning sickness is mostly caused by the negative energy of the opposite direction, in addition, it can also be caused by foreign evil. The treatment of morning sickness is mainly due to the spleen and stomach, nourishing the blood and liver. Here are 3 traditional remedies that will help pregnant women get rid of morning sickness and improve their health.
In case of pregnancy, morning sickness due to bad taste:
In the first three months of pregnancy, pregnant women are tired, when they eat, they vomit and do not want to eat. After: Party Ginseng 14g, Bach Truc Sao 12g, Revival Spirit 12g, Duong Quy 16g, Field 20g, Bach Thuoc Sao 12g, Circuit Monk with core removed 12g, Tran skin 12g, Sa core 6g, Divine song 6g, To Tu star 8g . Sac drink from 3-5 months, severe morning sickness can use more. The effect of this remedy is to treat the spleen and stomach, to nourish the blood, to reverse, to harmonize the spleen and stomach..., thereby helping pregnant women reduce fatigue, belching, heartburn, difficulty breathing, urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, and delayed pregnancy. develope. Increase and decrease: If the pregnancy goes down, the blood will be added to the continuum, the mountain enemy, the king bird; if it's cold, replace it with wormwood; If you are upset, you have symptoms of chest tightness. If the spleen is damaged, go outside with loose stools, Hoi Son, humiliation, white sea beans. If you have extrasensory perception, you will be in a position to stay informed. Taboo, do not use this remedy in the following cases: Vomiting due to foreign evil, fever, people afraid of cold. Urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence. In case of pregnancy, morning sickness due to vaginal discharge threatening miscarriage:
Pregnant women with poor mental health or fatigue, full stomach, vomiting, use the post of Kien Pi Tu to give birth, including the following medicines: 12g ginseng, 12g white truss , Bach Linh 14g, White Sea Beans 16g, Hoai Son 16g, Lien humiliation 14g, Tran skin 8g, Sand wings 8g, Sa core 4g, Hoang Lien 6g, Patchouli 12g, Malt 8g, Real flavor 14g, Son Tra 12g, Herbal medicine 6g, meaning multiply 12g. Sharpen or powdered to make the drink are very good. The effects of this remedy are: Help gas, prevent spleen, stagnation, pregnancy... The remedy helps to replenish damaged spleen, thereby helping to reduce fatigue, eat well, strengthen antibodies. The owner of 3 months pregnant with poor blood and blood supply, threatened miscarriage. Increase and decrease of the remedy: If the taste is hot, the royal family will take birth. If you can get angry, add a lake. If the spleen is damaged, add more chlorophyll. If there is extrasensory perception, add to the chlorophyll, communication. If the fetus is very cold and bleeding, add a Giao, wormwood. If the fetus is hot, add thorn tubers and royal birds. Taboo, do not use this remedy in the following cases: Vomiting due to stagnation, full stomach pain, vomiting after feeling good, do not use this remedy. In case of pregnancy morning sickness due to wet sputum taste:
Pregnant women have pale face, vomit a lot of sputum, use Bao Sinh Thang remedy including herbs: 12g ginseng, 12g white truss, flavor additives. 10g, 12g bare skin, 12g herbal medicine, 6g herbal injection, 12g born Khuong. This medicinal herb is drunk warm. The effects of this remedy are: Supplement gas and spleen conditions, chemical stagnation, harmony ... The owner of pregnancy has vomiting, poor eating and sleeping, the remedy is also used to treat diseases related to damaged spleen causing abdominal pain, diarrhea. Reduction of the remedy: If the mouth is bitter, belching, add more royal birds, Bach Thua, and reishi. If the blood can be damaged, add Duong Quy, Bach Thuoc star. Bad eaters add to the humiliation, nostalgia. Taboo, do not use the remedy in the following cases: People with negative internal heat, dry mouth and thirst, dry vomiting, pregnant women, hot and thin people. In summary, morning sickness is one of the typical conditions that appear in the early stages of pregnancy. If morning sickness persists and gets worse, hospitalization may be necessary.
In order to protect the health of mother and fetus comprehensively, Vinmec provides all-inclusive maternity services (12-27-36 weeks), in which the 12-week maternity package helps monitor the health of mother and baby. early pregnancy, early detection and timely intervention of health problems. In addition to the usual services, the maternity monitoring program from 12 weeks has special services that other maternity packages do not have such as: Double Test or Triple Test to screen for fetal malformations; Quantitative angiogenesis factor test to diagnose preeclampsia; thyroid screening test; Rubella test; Testing for parasites transmitted from mother to child seriously affects the baby's brain and physical development after birth. After having the results of antenatal check-ups and tests, the doctors will analyze and advise on nutrition and reasonable rest regimes for pregnant women to help mothers and babies have the best health and comprehensive development of the fetus.

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