After abortion test still up 2 lines but ultrasound can't see, why?

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Doctor, I have had an abortion for 1 month, but my period has not returned. I tested the stick and it showed 1 bold line and 1 faint line. They did a urine test and they said she was pregnant, but the ultrasound didn't show it. I'm not saying I just had an abortion. So in this case, am I really pregnant?
N.T.H (1996)
Hello! After abortion, the hCG in the blood will gradually decrease, after 1 month, there are still about 20% of positive cases. If you have sex in the first month after the abortion, the risk of pregnancy is very low, in other cases it should be noted that there are cases of ectopic pregnancy with ultrasound images similar to those of an intrauterine pregnancy or at the same time. Intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy, so after abortion will miss the ectopic pregnancy. To determine for sure whether you are pregnant or not, you should see a specialist.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Answered by Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
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