Consequences of mental retardation, how to limit it

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Mental retardation is a group of pathological conditions with different causes and pathogenesis. Children with mental retardation will have limited daily living skills, if not early intervention will become a burden on society later.

1. Children with mental retardation

Mental retardation is a group of pathological conditions with different etiology, a defect of brain development. Children with mental retardation have lower-than-normal intelligence and limited skills of daily living.
Causes of mental retardation in children include:
Genetics and congenital: Such as chromosomal malformations, metabolic enzyme disorders, endocrine disorders, craniofacial malformations. Among the chromosomal abnormalities is often referred to as Down's disease. This disease was discovered by the author Langdon Down in 1866, the patient has 3 chromosomes 21. People with this syndrome have symptoms including: low IQ, big round face, small eyes, mouth always open, short people,.. Problems in pregnancy: The mother uses alcohol, beer, drugs, and some drugs that cause birth defects, the fetus is malnourished. Or the mother has some diseases such as Rubella, syphilis, HIV... and X-ray influence during pregnancy. Problems at birth: Obstetric trauma causes traumatic brain injury of newborns, premature babies, low birth weight... Postpartum problems: Children with infectious diseases such as measles, whooping cough, encephalitis, diarrhea diarrhea, cholera, typhoid. Children are poisoned by heavy metals such as lead and mercury.

Trẻ bị các bệnh nhiễm khuẩn sau sinh dẫn tới trẻ em chậm phát triển tâm thần
Trẻ bị các bệnh nhiễm khuẩn sau sinh dẫn tới trẻ em chậm phát triển tâm thần

Environmental issues: In recent decades, the authors have also emphasized nutrition issues and especially the role of socio-cultural influences as one of the causes of mental retardation. This is the role of environmental factors in intellectual development. Poverty and lack of culture lead to malnutrition, lack of medical care, lack of intellectual stimulation in an unhealthy living environment that is not suitable for the child's age. Children with mental retardation are divided into several levels and are assessed by IQ and the ability to live independently
Children's intellectual ability in learning to understand, think, solve problems and interpret ideas meanings of words. This ability is reflected in the measurement of the IQ quotient. Average IQ is 100, IQ lower than 70 is considered mentally retarded. Ability to live independently: Assess what the child can do compared to normal children in self-care, eg knowing how to dress, wash, use the toilet, eat, talk with others, the ability to understand what others say and how to respond, how to behave with people around.

2. Consequences of mental retardation

Children with mental retardation have limited intellectual function in daily living skills and social skills, language, communication, movement, etc. This leads to children having many difficulties in learning. learning and acquiring knowledge.
In terms of thinking: Many cases are difficult to distinguish from normal. Language is quite developed, understand what others say and express their own thoughts. Can form written language and ability to calculate and study, but is inferior to peers of the same age. It is possible to complete primary school, but the results are often poor or very poor, old-fashioned thinking, lack of initiative, and poor synthesis ability. About emotions: High-level emotions are developed, lack of independence, clinging to parents even though they are adults, not enough capacity to deal with emotional conflicts within. About behavior and style: Can do well in uncomplicated jobs and adapt to the social environment, but less effective than others. With good education and training it can be overcome. In some cases, children are prone to thoughtless acts, prone to suggestions, leading to illegal acts.

Trẻ chậm phát triển tâm thần không đủ năng lực để giải quyết những mối xung động tình cảm trong nội tâm
Trẻ chậm phát triển tâm thần không đủ năng lực để giải quyết những mối xung động tình cảm trong nội tâm

3. Treatment and prevention

3.1 Treatment

To limit the consequences of mental retardation, children need to be detected and treated early. For children with mild mental retardation who can attend a regular school program, it is important to teach them to integrate into life, to society, and to be independent. For children with severe mental retardation who need special care, study in a special school and have a separate study program for each child, helping them to communicate, maintain personal hygiene and do other tasks. simple work at home,...
Achieving good results requires close cooperation between health facilities, schools and families to provide children with optimal care in many areas. Parents need to spend a lot of time close to and help their children in daily activities.

3.2 Prevention of mental retardation

Cần tầm soát ngay sau sinh những dấu hiệu bất thường
Cần tầm soát ngay sau sinh những dấu hiệu bất thường

To prevent mental retardation, mothers should note:
Screening immediately after birth for abnormal signs Fully vaccinated according to schedule, vaccinated with rubella before pregnancy Handle clean environment and take remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the environment to reduce brain damage in children Wear helmets to prevent traumatic brain injuries. Folic acid supplements for mothers to reduce the risk of neural tube defects. In summary, mental retardation is a group of pathological conditions with different etiology and pathogenesis. Children with mental retardation will have limited daily living skills, if not early intervention will become a burden on society later. Therefore, when seeing a child showing abnormal symptoms, slower than their peers, it is necessary for the child to go to a medical facility for examination, assessment and timely intervention.
Pediatrics department at Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants and young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children, ... With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that is the dedication from the doctors with professional experience with pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of the parents.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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