14 questions to test your emotional intelligence (EQ)

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EQ stands for Emotional Quotient which means emotional intelligence index of each person. EQ is used to measure a person's imagination and creativity. People with high EQ have the ability to recognize, evaluate and regulate the emotions of themselves and others. Like IQ, emotional quotient EQ is measured through EQ tests.
Here are 14 questions to test your emotional intelligence (EQ):

1. Do you naturally feel happy?

Yes No The answer here is no. It has long been believed that most people are naturally happy no matter what happens in their lives, but this view has changed in recent years as researchers look into the future. understand happiness

2. Which country ranks No. 1 in terms of satisfaction?

USA Denmark Switzerland Canada The correct answer is Denmark. According to a 2012 happiness and satisfaction study, Denmark ranks first in life satisfaction and work-life balance, and 17th in terms of income. In comparison, the United States ranks 1st in income but 12th in life satisfaction and 29th in work-life balance.

Trắc nghiệm: Bài kiểm tra chỉ số trí tuệ cảm xúc (EQ) của bạn

Chỉ số trí tuệ cảm xúc Emotional Quotient (EQ) là một chỉ số dùng để nói lên trí tưởng tượng, đánh giá và cảm xúc của một con người. Hãy làm bài trắc nghiệm sau để biết chỉ số EQ của bạn là bao nhiêu?

Nguồn tham khảo: webmd.com

3. Negative emotions are stronger than positive emotions

True False The answer is False. Some studies show that negative emotions are stronger than positive emotions as soon as they happen, but positive emotions prevail over time.

Những cảm xúc tích cực sẽ chiến thắng theo thời gian
Những cảm xúc tích cực sẽ chiến thắng theo thời gian

4. Generally, happy people do not:

Show gratitude, forgiveness and kindness Regular exercise, relationships and good sleep Have a higher income or higher intelligence Find and enjoy yourself with joy and optimism Correct answer is High income or higher intelligence. There is no proof that money can buy happiness. Instead, research shows that happy people tend to express gratitude on a regular basis, stay optimistic and often do good, cheerful, and forgiving.

5. Where do the happiest people in the United States live?

In the Northeast In the South On the west coast In the midwest The answer is the South. A study done in 2009 found that Southern states are the happiest while Eastern states like New York are at the bottom of the list.

6. You won't be happy if you live in California

True False The answer is correct. Out of 51 places, California ranked 46th on the happiness scale. Surprisingly, California and New York are in very poor positions in happiness rankings. Researcher Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick in Conventry, UK, said: "Many people think this state is going to be a great place to live, but if too many individuals think so they will move here and make a difference." for house prices here to increase.

7. At what age do people feel happy?

17 - 20 29 - 35 40 - 46 More than 50

Ở độ tuổi nào mọi người cảm thấy hạnh phúc?
Ở độ tuổi nào mọi người cảm thấy hạnh phúc?

The correct answer is more than 50. People feel happier, less stressed and feel better about themselves after age 50. People over 50 have less anxiety than younger people.

8. Hormones don't make people happier

Endorphin and Tryptophan Serotonin and Dopamine Cortisol and prolactin Oxytocin and Vasopressin The correct answer is Cortisol and prolactin. An increase in your mood is associated with the release of Serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin - hormones associated with positive emotions. Tryptophan helps the body make Serotonin so it is also associated with positive emotions.

9. What makes people happier?

Sex Money The answer is Sex. Research shows that having good sex will make you happy in terms of money. Overall, the happiest people were those who had the most sex, with married people being 30% happier than single people.

10. Why does music make you happy?

Make you forget about other things Causes your brain to release dopamine Activates both your right and left brain The correct answer is Causes your brain to release dopamine. Dopamine is a substance that stimulates feelings of pleasure. One study found that when people listen to music, their brains release more dopamine. In fact, even just thinking about listening to music causes dopamine to begin to be released.

11. Not letting yourself be sad is the key to lasting happiness

True False The answer is False. Having a positive outlook doesn't mean you don't allow yourself to feel sad. “Happiness is not the absence of sadness.” “False happiness is not good” you suppress sadness, you can also suppress other, more positive emotions. So people who try to suppress their emotions actually become more anxious and depressed.

12. What to do to increase happiness?

Các nhà tâm lý học nghiên cứu tác động những cảm xúc tích cực chỉ ra rằng lòng biết ơn có thể làm tăng cảm giác hạnh phúc
Các nhà tâm lý học nghiên cứu tác động những cảm xúc tích cực chỉ ra rằng lòng biết ơn có thể làm tăng cảm giác hạnh phúc

Grateful Joy The answer is Gratitude. The fun will be great and make you happy. Although there is more to making you happy than enjoying pleasant experiences. Psychologists studying the effects of positive emotions show that gratitude can increase feelings of happiness.

13. “Hedonophobia”, “Hedonism” and “Hedonist” come from the Greek word meaning:

Joy Pain Companion Difficulty The correct answer is joy. Hedonophobia, Hedonism, and Hedonist all come from the Greek word, meaning joy.

14. What effect do laughter and comedy have on the body?

Boosts Immune System Helps You Lose Weight Both Correct Answers are Boosts Immune System. Several studies have shown that laughter can increase infection-fighting antibodies and immune cells in the body. A study has shown that people who watch TV series tend to be stressed and have limited blood flow, while people who watch comedies have normal blood flow.

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Reference source: Webmd.com
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