Common mistakes when using tapioca flour for children

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Tapioca flour is a rustic and familiar drink for Vietnamese people. Many people think that this is a good heat-reducing food. However, is this concept true?
This article will answer the above question through the answer of Doctor, Doctor Ho Thu Mai - Head of Nutrition Department, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

1. Nutritional value of tapioca flour

In folk still widely circulated the use of tapioca starch water in the problem of cooling, purifying the body. Many people in the countryside store a large amount of this food to serve their cooling needs on hot summer days. Some families even use tapioca as an indispensable item in the daily menu, especially for families with young children.
According to nutritionist Dr. Ho Thu Mai, Department of Nutrition - Vinmec International General Hospital, in 100g of tapioca starch, the nutrient content is as follows: - Protein: 0.7 g - Glucid: 84.3 g - Calcium: 18 mg - Iron: 1.5 mg
Tapioca flour is a familiar and popular drink that has a good cooling effect in the summer. This is also a very effective remedy for colds and high fever.

Tiến sĩ dinh dưỡng Hồ Thu Mai giải đáp thắc mắc xung quanh quan niệm cho trẻ nhỏ uống bột sắn dây để giải nhiệt
Tiến sĩ dinh dưỡng Hồ Thu Mai giải đáp thắc mắc xung quanh quan niệm cho trẻ nhỏ uống bột sắn dây để giải nhiệt

2. Should children drink iron powder to cool down or not?

The use of tapioca flour for young children for the purpose of cooling down must be considered because:
When giving children too much tapioca flour will cause boredom and affect the children's eating of main foods such as: gruel. For young children, it will cause anorexia and even heat in the mouth when a lot of sugar is added. Besides, when mixing tapioca flour with sugar (large quantity) and using it daily, there is a high risk of diabetes.

3. How to use it to suit young children

Khi chế biến bột sắn cho trẻ nên quấy chín để bé dễ tiêu hóa
Khi chế biến bột sắn cho trẻ nên quấy chín để bé dễ tiêu hóa
Many women are extremely confused, do not know how to drink cassava properly, which is better to use raw or cooked flour.
According to Dr. Mai, tapioca flour is processed from varieties of potatoes and tubers. In the process of filtering starch to get water, there is a high risk of bacterial infection. Therefore, for young children, the weak parts when using raw cassava flour are prone to bad effects such as cold stomach, diarrhea, especially difficult to digest. When processing cassava flour, mothers should stir it well before giving it to their children. When the cassava flour is cooked, it will be starched and help the baby digest easier. It should be noted, mothers should choose pure tapioca flour, do not use adulterated tapioca flour that is sold floating in the market. The simple way to identify the "real" tapioca flour:
Put the flour in water and touch the flour to find it completely smooth, without any grit. When mixed with cold water for normal drinking, the powder must be completely dissolved, leaving for about 2 minutes without sediment. See more:
Cooling with tapioca flour, give this thing too much, watch out for heat in the mouth, diabetes Instructions for drinking cassava properly What is the effect of cassava?

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