Common dental diseases in the elderly

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Elderly people having toothache is a common problem. The cause of toothache in the elderly is due to age and the aging process changes teeth, tooth decay or the treatment of some systemic diseases affecting oral health. The following article shares about common dental problems in the elderly and how to prevent them.

In the human body, the mouth is one of the most sensitive parts. Like many other organs, the mouth is not outside the effects of the aging process. In the elderly, one of the health problems that need to be taken care of is oral health, because if left untreated, it can affect overall health.

1. Common dental diseases in the elderly

1.1. periodontal

Periodontal disease is a common oral disease, especially in the elderly. This is also the reason why tooth loss is common in the elderly. Manifestations of periodontal disease are obvious: frequent bleeding in the gums (especially when brushing teeth), swollen gums, gingivitis, tartar, bad breath, loose teeth, moving and sparse teeth.

1.2. Caries

The elderly are the most susceptible to tooth decay due to age and poor oral hygiene. Manifestations of tooth decay are tooth sensitivity, especially after eating foods or drinking beverages with a sour, cold or hot taste. Cavities are dark gray in color and are prone to getting food in them. Elderly people have toothache, tooth decay if not treated can lead to pulpitis, death of the pulp, severe cases can spread into osteomyelitis, ...

1.3. Temporomandibular joint disorder

Symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder are pain in the jaw, in and around the ear, making it difficult to chew or cause discomfort when biting food. The bite will be uneven due to the stiff jaw joint. Temporomandibular joint disorders may be accompanied by headaches. When the mouth is closed or open, the sound of joint movements can be heard.

1.4. Uneven jawbone

Jawbone is uneven due to old people losing teeth but not restoring teeth, shifting the teeth due to the space of the missing teeth.

Xương hàm không đều là bệnh răng miệng ở người già thường gặp
Xương hàm không đều là bệnh răng miệng ở người già thường gặp

1.5. Stomatitis, bad breath

Stomatitis is an oral disease in the elderly often associated with dentures due to improper hygiene. Bad breath is often associated with eating, taking medications, and poor oral hygiene.

1.6. Disorders of swallowing reflex and decreased taste

With age, the chewing function of the elderly as well as taste gradually declines, making it difficult to eat and drink, loss of appetite, loss of appetite, lack of nutrients, and frequent fatigue. .

2. Causes of toothache in the elderly

There are many causes of toothache in the elderly, mainly due to age and the aging process causes deterioration and changes in the teeth such as:
Erosion of chewing surfaces Fibrosis of pulp atrophy Decrease in cell density in teeth Formation of secondary dentin, loss of water in dentin Teeth become more brittle and fragile Gums recede Decreased salivation The chewing function gradually declines In addition, there are other causes of oral disease in the elderly such as:
Having caries, having fillings in large teeth, recurrent caries. Having a number of systemic diseases such as weakened immune system (HIV), cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson's, diabetes, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gastric acid reflux, ... Having trauma to the oral cavity , jowl. Habits of grinding teeth, breathing through the mouth, snoring while sleeping, smoking, eating a lot of acidic, acidic foods. Using drugs to treat (high blood pressure, anticonvulsants, ...) damages the oral mucosa, creating conditions for bacteria to easily penetrate causing oral disease in the elderly. Medicines to treat nerves, allergies, pain relievers, ... can cause dry mouth. Poor oral hygiene, brushing too hard or improperly erodes tooth enamel.

Vệ sinh răng miệng kém là nguyên nhân đau răng ở người già
Vệ sinh răng miệng kém là nguyên nhân đau răng ở người già

3. Care and prevention of oral diseases in the elderly

Dental problems at a young age will affect oral health in old age and cause common diseases. Even if they have not had or have lost teeth, the elderly also need to have regular dental check-ups every 3-6 months to promptly detect and treat the disease. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the following issues to prevent dental disease in the elderly:
Adequate and reasonable nutrition: Increase vegetables and fruits, limit the intake of sweets such as confectionery, change in it should eat fruit. Eat enough protein, vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals. Limit hot and hard foods with many stimulating spices. Pay attention to oral hygiene to prevent periodontal disease: Brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating, including snacks to keep your teeth clean. Pay attention to brushing properly and do not brush too hard. In case it is necessary to add fluoride-containing mouthwash (as directed by the doctor) to prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease, causing the elderly to have toothache. Making dentures when losing teeth: When losing teeth, the elderly should visit a dentist for advice on suitable restoration measures, such as dentures. If the state of tooth loss lasts for a long time and is not restored soon, it can cause the teeth to shift, leading to disturbance of the bite. That will make oral hygiene more difficult. After restoring teeth with dentures, it is necessary to pay attention to how to care for and maintain dentures properly and thoroughly according to the instructions of the dentist. Oral diseases in the elderly are common such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, bad breath, ... if not treated, can greatly affect the whole body's health. Therefore, patients need to be examined in depth and have appropriate treatment directions.
Department of Dentistry - Maxillofacial - Facial, Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the major and important sub-disciplines of the clinical block. Is a specialty in charge of intensive and aesthetic pathological treatment of the entire tooth structure (teeth, bone, pulp,...), jaw (palatine, jawline, jaw joint, ...) and face (frontal bone, cheekbone, temporal bone,...), and many other pathologies.
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