Common complications when endoscopic surgery to support the treatment of nerve pain V

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Any surgical method can occur in the inner ear and after surgery. For endoscopic surgery to support the treatment of nerve pain V, the most common complications include: cerebrospinal fluid leak, bleeding, brain contusion, soft membrane bleeding, nerve damage,...

1. Learn about nerve pain V

V nerve is responsible for motor and sensory functions. However, the main function is still sensation and each nerve will receive sensation for one side of the face. Nerve V is the largest cranial nerve because it is made up of 3 nerve branches, V1, V2, V3, one sensory branch for each part of the face.
Nerve pain is a type of pain that occurs suddenly, occurs quickly, the disease is often spontaneous or comes from a pain point. The patient may have pain arising for no reason, even when there is a stimulus such as washing, chewing, shaving, touching the face, the wind blowing in the face, ... can also cause pain. This is called idiopathic fifth neuralgia. When there is pain or inflammation of the V nerve, most of the pain occurs on one side, there are also some cases of bilateral V nerve pain, but it is rare.

Đau dây thần kinh số V đa số xuất hiện ở một bên
Đau dây thần kinh số V đa số xuất hiện ở một bên

2. Nerve pain 5 and how to treat it by laparoscopic surgery

5 neuralgia and its treatment by endoscopic surgery are now widely applied. Supportive endoscopic surgery for the treatment of nerve pain V will improve some shortcomings of the surgical method of microsurgery. Specifically, microsurgery has a number of disadvantages such as difficulty in controlling the obscuration of the glomerulus, difficulty in assessing the anterior face of the V cord, brain stem, and posterior Meckel's fossa, so the endoscopic method overcomes these disadvantages. this.

3. Common complications of endoscopic surgery to treat nerve pain V

3.1. Common complications when laparoscopic surgery to support the treatment of neuralgia V. Any surgical method can occur in the inner ear and after surgery. For laparoscopic surgery to support the treatment of nerve pain V, the most common complications include: Bleeding, cerebral contusion, soft membrane bleeding, nerve damage, Dandy's vein damage, VII nerve damage. , VIII, IX, X, XI, XII.

Sau phẫu thuật có thể làm tổn thương các dây thần kinh khác
Sau phẫu thuật có thể làm tổn thương các dây thần kinh khác
3.2. Management of complications during endoscopic surgery to support the treatment of nerve pain V. Intracranial hematoma: Intracranial hematoma includes subdural, epidural, and intracerebral hematoma. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to confirm it based on clinical evidence and computed tomography. Then, surgically remove the hematoma, stop bleeding if the hematoma is large, pressurize causing increased intracranial pressure and worsening consciousness. Brain contusion: In case of cerebral contusion, avoid direct pressure on the cerebral cortex. Use cotton, rubber pieces to protect the brain from damage. Nerve damage: Accurately identify damaged nerves, avoid inserting instruments through the gap between blood vessels and nerves. Injury to nerves VII, VIII: Do not rely on nerves. Observe carefully, accurately evaluate these nerves. Cerebrospinal fluid leak: This is the most dangerous complication because cerebrospinal fluid leaks pose a high risk of infection and meningitis. To manage CSF leakage, it is necessary to use conservative method of continuous drainage of CSF in the back. If the results are not good, then the fistula must be repaired. Meningitis: Meningitis is a complication that often occurs after a cerebrospinal fluid leak. The treatment method is to isolate the bacteria to determine the antibiotic chart for treatment. Incisional infection, osteomyelitis: When infection requires surgical removal of inflammatory tissue, inflammatory bone, antibiotic treatment. Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely rest in peace. examination and treatment center at the Hospital.
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Why do you have 5th nerve pain? Characteristics of nerve pain V Indications for endoscopic surgery to support the treatment of nerve pain V
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