Common anesthetic methods

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The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Tran Thi Ngat - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Anesthesia is an anesthetic method that inhibits pain sensation and is used in many types of surgery. There are many different methods of anesthesia, the application of which depends on the specific surgical situation.

1. What is anesthesia?

Anesthesia is an anesthetic technique that uses agents that temporarily block nerve impulses to numb the sensation of pain in a certain area of ​​the body. Anesthesia is injected locally and helps to suppress pain sensation in a certain area. Anesthesia is performed through peripheral nerve conduction blockade, temporarily losing sensation in a part of the body, serving small, local surgeries such as dentistry, limb surgery, boil extraction, etc. pain due to injury...

Gây tê tủy sống là phương pháp vô cảm sử dụng phổ biến trong sản khoa.
Gây tê tủy sống là phương pháp vô cảm sử dụng phổ biến trong sản khoa.

2. Common anesthetic methods

2.1 Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia is a method of using chemical and physical agents that act directly on the terminal branches of the peripheral nerves. Local anesthesia has the advantage of being less invasive and relatively safe, but the disadvantage is that the duration of action is short, the blockade area is small, so it is only applicable for minor surgeries (biopsy, small wound sutures). , used in dentistry, gel medicine to be applied before injection for children,...
This method includes:
Surface anesthesia: It is performed by instilling, spraying, and applying local anesthetic to the surface. mucosal surface. This technique is often applied in ear, nose, throat, oral, eye, endoscopic surgery. Infiltration anesthesia: performed by injecting local anesthetic in layers. This technique is applicable for small incisions, shallow incisions, or in abscesses... Cryotherapy: Spraying anesthetic drugs that evaporate quickly on the skin (Kélen): Used in injecting incisions into abscesses.

2.2 Regional anesthesia

Local anesthetics act directly on nerve transmission pathways (stem, plexus, nerve roots), causing loss of pain sensation in a corresponding area controlled by that nerve.
Spinal anesthesia: anesthetic is injected into the subarachnoid space, mixes with the cerebrospinal fluid, blocks the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord, thereby blocking pain sensation in the body region controlled by these roots . Spinal anesthesia is performed in the lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5). The advantages of this method are that it is easy to perform, low cost, has a short waiting time, has a complete effect, and is soft on the muscles. However, the disadvantage is that the duration of action is short and difficult to control. Spinal anesthesia is indicated in lower limb surgery, lower abdomen, obstetrics, kidney surgery, urology. Contraindicated in the following cases: patients with shock, lack of circulation, coagulopathy, anticoagulation treatment, infection at the needle puncture site, allergy to local anesthetic, patient refusal to perform anesthesia spinal cord. Epidural Anesthesia: Anesthesia is injected into the epidural space, blocking the nerve roots, thereby blocking the body area controlled by these roots. Anesthesia, after being injected into the epidural space, has an effect on the spinal cord around the injection area, epidural anesthesia can be performed in the thoracic or lumbar vertebrae, catheters can be inserted to relieve prolonged pain. This method of anesthesia has the advantages of being long-acting, can be continuously infused to relieve postoperative pain, can control the level of blockade, and has little effect on hemodynamics. The disadvantage is that the technique is relatively difficult, the waiting time for the effect is long, the effect may not be complete, and the muscles are less tender. Epidural anesthesia is indicated in lower abdominal surgery, obstetrics, renal surgery, urology, lower extremity surgery, obstetric analgesia, postoperative thoracic, abdominal, lower extremity surgery. Contraindications of this method are similar to those of spinal anesthesia.

Gây tê ngoài màng cứng giúp giảm đau sản khoa
Gây tê ngoài màng cứng giúp giảm đau sản khoa
Peripheral Nerve Anesthesia: An anesthetic is injected around the site of one or more peripheral nerve plexuses, to block the area of ​​the body innervated by these nerves. The duration of action of the drug depends on the weight and volume of the anesthetic. Anesthesia locations: brachial plexus, femoral nerve, sciatic nerve, ... This method has the advantage of selective anesthesia, little effect on the whole body, the technique is not too difficult, can Continuous infusion for postoperative pain relief. This technique is indicated in upper limb surgery (clavicle, shoulder joint, wing, forearm, hand,...), lower limb surgery (leg, knee joint,...), postoperative pain relief. upper limb, lower limb. The technique of peripheral nerve anesthesia is contraindicated for patients with infection at the site of drug inflammation, coagulation disorders, anticoagulation therapy or patients who refuse to perform this anesthetic method. Currently, anesthetic methods are used in most of the surgical procedures to treat diseases, helping the patient to be pain-free as well as minimizing the danger during surgery. However, to perform methods of anesthesia and anesthesia, you need to choose a reputable medical facility to perform.
Vinmec International General Hospital has implemented anesthetic methods in treatment, surgery, pain relief during childbirth. Accordingly, the methods of anesthesia and anesthesia at Vinmec all follow standard procedures and strict clinical examination to ensure maximum safety for patients. In particular, the procedures for performing examination and anesthesia are well-trained and operated by a team of highly skilled doctors and nurses on modern machinery, which will bring optimal treatment results to patients. Customer.
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