Children's blood characteristics

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Posted by Doctor Pediatrician - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Hematopoiesis in children is strong but unstable, there are many causes of diseases that easily affect hematopoiesis. This is the reason why children are prone to anemia but the ability to recover quickly. Accordingly, the lymph node system in children also easily reacts to the causes of disease.

1. Red blood cells

Bone marrow is an organ that produces blood cells, the blood formation of children is very strong to meet the rapid growth of the baby after birth.
1.1. The number of red blood cells The number of red blood cells changes with age, specifically:
Newborns full term at birth have HC 4.5 - 6x1012/l, then red blood cells rapidly decrease due to physiological jaundice due to broken red blood cells. When the red blood cells gradually decrease, at the end of the neonatal period, the red blood cell count is 4 x 1012/L. When the child is 6-12 months old, the red blood cell count is 3.5 x 1012/l, the stage of mild anemia due to lack of hematopoietic factors. Over 2 years old, stable red blood cell count 4 x 1012/l. 1.2. Hemoglobin Hemoglobin is also highly altered. Accordingly, at birth, children have 170-190g/L, then gradually decrease, especially at 6-12 months of age, hemoglobin decreases to 96-110g/L. Over 2 years of age, hemoglobin gradually increases and stabilizes at 120 – 140 g/l

1.3. Reticulocytes Neonatal reticulocytes 8 - 10%, then gradually decrease 1-2%

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Hình ảnh hồng cầu lưới

2. White blood cells

The number of white blood cells changes with age, at birth 20-30 x 10 9/l. After 24 hours, the white blood cell count decreased, from 7-15 days to 10-12 x 109/l, after 1 year the white blood cell stabilized 6-8 x 109/l.
The white blood cell formula changes gradually with age: neutrophils after birth (6-8 hours 60-65% white blood cell count, then gradually decrease 45% on the 7th, 9th - 10th day down to 30 months) %, over 1 - 2 years old increase gradually, by 5-7 years old reach 45%, by 14 years old, 60-65% like adults
Lymphocytes are opposite to neutrophils, about 20-30% at birth, at 5-7 days old 45%, at 9-10 months 60% then gradually decreased, 5-7 years old to 45%, at 14 years old 30%
Accordingly, other white blood cells are little changed.

3. Platelets

Platelet flow in children is little changed, the platelet count at birth is from 100-400 x 109/l, beyond the age of birth 150 -300 x 109/L.
Circulatory blood volume changes with age, compared to the weight of children more than adults.
Newborns make up 14% of body weight. Children under 1 year old about 11% of body weight. Children grow up about 7-8 % of body weight. Through the above presentation, it is clear that the blood characteristics of children, when there are no diseases, the characteristics of blood can change depending on the age. This is a point to pay attention to when evaluating the results of a blood count test in children.

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