Children with stuffy nose, sore throat, loss of taste may skip meals, loss of appetite

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When suffering from respiratory diseases such as: sore throat, stuffy nose, loss of taste, ... body weakness, fatigue makes children anorexic. Most causes of loss of taste and smell are caused by a swollen or blocked nose that prevents odors from traveling to the olfactory area. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the health as well as physiological manifestations of children.

1. Children with a stuffy nose, sore throat, loss of taste may skip meals

Nasal congestion, sore throat are all related to loss of taste. These may be symptoms of respiratory infections, weakening the child's resistance, causing fatigue, causing anorexia. Some causes lead to this situation such as:
Due to living conditions:
The weather changes erratically, especially the hot and humid climate in our country, which is a favorable condition for bacteria to grow. The living environment is polluted by smoke, tobacco smoke, dust, coal, etc. Children begin to be exposed to new environments: kindergartens, kindergartens, .. Children who have just entered the weaning diet or have just been weaned. milk Due to bacteria, viruses, molds:
Viruses can cause children to get flu, measles, .. Bacteria: Typical bacteria such as: staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, .. The most dangerous of which is group A hemolytic streptococcus causing acute arthritis and acute glomerulonephritis in children. Fungi: The fungus that can cause pain and sore throat in children is candida. Moreover, the phenomenon of nasal congestion and loss of taste can be caused by the appearance of tumors or swelling in the nose area, causing blockage, thereby preventing the contact of taste. with the olfactory area. For sore throat, loss of taste due to swelling of the throat, all chewing and swallowing activities are difficult and affect the perception of taste. In addition to the symptoms of sore throat, loss of taste, and stuffy nose, the child may have accompanying symptoms such as:
Mild fever, with some cases the fever can reach 39-40 degrees Vomiting Passing stools, loose stools

Trẻ bị nghẹt mũi mất vị giác có thể xuất hiện sốt 39-40 độ C
Trẻ bị nghẹt mũi mất vị giác có thể xuất hiện sốt 39-40 độ C

2. How does stuffy nose, sore throat, loss of taste affect children?

When the situation of stuffy nose, sore throat, loss of taste in children lasts long and is not intervened, the consequences will make the child tired and weak, leading to skipping meals and anorexia. Children can suffer from malnutrition that affects their development, even serious complications such as:
Otitis media Lower respiratory tract infection: Bronchitis Pneumonia Arthritis (progressive rheumatic heart disease) To improve anorexia in children, mothers can use complementary products to help perfect the taste, stimulate the taste buds to help children eat better. Supplements containing Lysine, zinc, CX ginger, Vitamin B, Beta Glucan, etc. all help children to enhance nutrient absorption, help them eat well and gain weight evenly. Note that before giving to children, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In particular, zinc participates in the formation of the structure and function of many enzymes, catalyzes the body's energy-producing reactions, the synthesis of proteins, DNA,... In addition, Beta glucan helps destroy cancer cells, prevent infection, prevent radiation exposure, heal wounds, allergic rhinitis, ..
Diseases of upper respiratory tract infection in children may not be too unfamiliar to children. Parents, however, we always have to be vigilant to observe every change of the baby to avoid the worst case scenario. In addition to adding substances from natural foods, you can use products that support the addition of substances that help stimulate the development of taste buds, helping children eat more deliciously.
In addition, in order to prevent diseases that young children often get, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve children's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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