Children are sick for a long time, anorexia, beware of depression

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Children with physical weakness is a condition when a child is sick, malnourished or stunted, causing a delay in his daily activities. The cause is often due to a lack of some essential nutrients for the functioning of the nervous system, retina or circulatory system,...

1. Causes of physical weakness in children

There are many causes that can be caused by diseases in the body or by overactivity, or by lack of rest, lack of energy supply. Unlike adults, in children, physical weakness is determined by a number of causes, for example:
Inadequate nutrition: in children, it is very important to supplement with adequate nutrients. important and necessary. However, in some cases, the child's lack of nutrients will make the child's body not fully absorb the nutrients to help the body develop. If this condition lasts for a long time, the child will be at risk of nutritional deficiencies and even lead to physical weakness. Anorexia children: for children from 2-4 months old, they often show anorexia, preferring to drink milk. However, milk cannot provide enough nutrients for children to develop comprehensively. If parents do not have a method to overcome the child's anorexia in time, the risk of physical weakness is very high. Children who are sick for a long time: sensitive children's bodies are often easily invaded by bacteria and cause respiratory diseases, helminths, diarrhea or gastrointestinal diseases leading to prolonged illness. When suffering from these diseases, children will often feel anorexia and irritability. Some parents often buy antibiotics for their children to take by themselves, but antibiotics have the ability to destroy beneficial bacteria in the child's body, which makes children susceptible to prolonged digestive disorders. anorexia, stunting and physical weakness. Psychological effects: The long-term psychological impact of the child will have a serious impact on the child's health. Mental illness not only affects the mind but also does not affect the physical development of the child.

2. Expression of children with physical weakness

Some early signs when children have physical weakness include:
Children lose weight Pale skin Children anorexia Difficulty breathing and fatigue Sleep disorders Digestive disorders

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Trẻ ốm kéo dài, biếng ăn dễ dẫn đến suy nhược cơ thể

3. What should children with physical weakness do?

Body weakness not only affects children's daily activities but also leads to a number of consequences such as pneumonia, acute diarrhea, asthma, prolonged fever, blood diseases, congenital heart disease, etc. Therefore, if the child is ill for a long time, parents need to pay special attention to taking care of the child's health, not buying antibiotics on their own, instead, take the child to a medical facility to be visited. examination. Besides, nutrition is very necessary to help children recover quickly and prevent body weakness. Build a menu with all the necessary nutrients for your child and prepare rich foods to avoid anorexia.
Children's development is very necessary but not every child can develop well. Therefore, parents need to closely monitor height and weight problems based on the growth chart. In addition, regularly expose children to the outside world so that they can have more fun and learn, and at the same time give them some moderate exercise to strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases.
In short, children who are sick for a long time and anorexia easily lead to physical weakness. Therefore, when the child is sick and has symptoms of anorexia for a long time, take the child to a medical facility for examination and advice as well as timely interventions.
In addition to the diet for children with prolonged illness and anorexia, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website to update useful baby care information.
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